
Totally! Ha ha ha ha!

The thing that always takes me out of movies like this are holographic displays. It's made of LIGHT. A light source will continue FOREVER until it meets a solid surface just like a light projector. You can't just have the projection stop in mid-air.

Your loss.

I just saw that part and yeah, the black outlines were totally pixelated. Carl's car that rolls in also looked odd in that scene. Like a bad digital composite.



That's a good thing. It means you're not that active online.

"Take those off!" I died.

(Not sure if trolling or stupid…)

I think you're confusing reddit with 4chan.

"I'm not fine with the general public demanding one or acting incensed when they don't get one."

They're not?

Thank you. why does everyone DEMAND an insincere and forced apology?

No comment on "your edges look damp"?

lol, right


The only correct answer. Thus they're both bad. Period.

You sound really new to the show but that's okay. Welcome and be sure to check out earlier seasons which are all online on the official site. They've been like this since the beginning, especially with elections.


Why don't "news" bloggers ever link to the thing they're reporting on?