
That could imply so many different things.

Could you clutch your pearls any harder?

The rest us had our crushes since Being Human.

They took the bad with pranks quirk TOO FAR.

I never heard of Homerized but the Flanderization of Winston is getting me THIS close to deleting the show and forgetting it ever existed.

I hate the Flanderization of Winston.

All of the above.

It's hit or miss for me.

I get the feeling this simple fact is lost on @One_Two_Three_Four:disqus

You're never going to like the music on SNL no matter who plays because it never sounds good.

That hurt the sketch in my eyes.

That was also a funny sketch.

I think her part was played perfectly. Hey, we black people scare easily. You ever seen a street magic special? The blacks always run away. It's awesome! She nailed her part and I love that she was supposed to be a skeptic and betrayed that immediately.

The SNL soundmix will screw anybody who attempts to play there. And the result of people who have never heard you play before if twitter comments that you sound like shit.

Underrated post

Iggy's performance wasn't great, but the SNL soundmix has been forever bad.

She has alopecia.

Underrated post.

I guess that's true in the alternate dimension you're posting from.

Being a doctor doesn't automatically not make you a prude. The hippie note was perfect.