
Fantastic process. I always wondered what’s happening with FighterZ that looks so 2D and yet, is a 3D game. IMO Guilty Gear achieved a better result, that game looks simply marvellous. Thanks for posting the NewFramePlus video, Heather! That was completely out of my radar.
That Grand Blue, though. Oh my. I am not a

I read the article and all the comments and I still couldn’t find this argument made, so here it is:
Language is the result, the end of a process that starts with a thought. I apologize if I am stating the obvious, it’s not my intention to sound arrogant. We can fight the language at any time but I believe this is

“Nintendo doesn’t care”. This is a business, so it was never about care, it’s about profit. If a company doesn’t profit at a specific market, it is expected to leave that market behind until a better moment arises. As far as I know, Dragon Quest Builders 2, for example, costs US$ 59 which translates into R$ 225 and

Hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? :D Jokes aside, do you see on a regular basis chainsaw evisceration, ensanguination, decapitation, dismemberment happening? Guess not. However, you do see people smoking, right? Illustrating smoking as narrative device is a way to promote it. Gameplay mechanics and narrative

His torso is way too short. And the shape of his thigh is totally inconsistent (looks organic, while X is a machine). Maybe the artist wanted to “imprint” his style on him, but failed miserably in my honest opinion.

Such a fantastic spin-off. I played that game for over 100 hours on my 3DS.

Regardless, you still have to consider whatever you make public. Specially if you are an embassator for a brand. It sucks, but Razer did it right. Not only to make a stand, but also to make an example so everybody else will know what can/will happen if toxic speech is used.

This will sound weird, but Power Quest (GB). For me the mix of RPG and Fighting was so unique and interesting. Even with it’s limitations, it was still a solid game with a memorable soundtrack.

This will sound weird, but Power Quest (GB). For me the mix of RPG and Fighting was so unique and interesting. Even with it’s limitations, it was still a solid game with a memorable soundtrack.

Great article! Never played, but was a very enjoyable read!

Amazing selection indeed. I would love to see Phantasy Star 2, but the 4th is amazing, nonetheless.

Same feeling here. Through the trailer and the screenshots, looks like a direct copy. It doesn’t even match with the overall UI.
The art looks amazing, though.

I don’t think it’s a matter of getting the actors likeness “right”. That was intentional and I believe it was because of licensing issues. As far as I know all MCU contracts only covers movies, so games would require a different contract AND as of today, we are talking about millions of dollars for the main cast.

Oh my god, YES! And my gaming playlist grow bigger by the minute.

I’m down to it. I have a 65in tv with a chromecast that is perfect to play. No other console required. No installation required. No expensive gaming PC required. No other stuff. Even the free plan sounds very solid to me. I don’t want to buy an xbox and a bunch of games and then in 3 years have to dispose of it all.

Great article. I, as well, can totally relate to that. Having friends that are now kinda scattered throughout the globe but connected every other Friday night at least for some time (paladins, monster hunter, nine parchments or other switch game), our discord server is the definitive way to not only keep our

Up to this day, Secret of Mana II (Seiken Densetsu 3) is the best ARPG in the 16-bit era (and 32-bit, too). I had to play it with a fan translation because it were never released outside Japan. Fantastic characters, an improved fight system from Secret of Mana, memorable soundtrack and outstanding graphics. Truly state

You get the coke, the product, and maybe the possibility of something more. In this video, you won’t get any of what’s been advertised. it’s not showing any ideas, it is showing a fake reality where a slime can be pet or a virtual sword can be lit by a real world flashlight. We may know better, but to assume that

This is less of a trailer and more of a concept. As in, it is not real and it doesn’t reflect how the actual game will look like (expect for the last part). It is borderline false advertising. Pokemon Go did the same thing. Put at least a “not gameplay footage” or something like that. I really wish marketing people