Alabaster Thatherton

I remember watching Pronto (based on the Elmore Leonard novel) and wondering why Glenne Headly wasn't a bigger star. It's not a bad movie. Peter Falk's in it, too; and do you really need more reason to watch anything with Peter Falk? James LeGros plays an early Raylan Givens. It's strange this isn't available with the

Wow, so not only was the late Harry Winston jeweler to the rich and famous, but he was also a practical effects wizard? He must have been some sort of magician, considering he died in 1978 and still managed to contribute to the making of Jurassic Park. I bet the late Stan Winston is still wishing he had half of

A few things: I watched Night Court for the first time since it originally aired when I was a kid a while ago, and I had no recollection of the show being so cartoony. Maybe I was confusing Dan Fielding's sleazy come-ons and double entendres for sophisticated humor. Watching the show now as a slightly more worldly

I… I don't understand anything about this dispatch, and I find myself not caring enough to read more to understand it. This is honestly distressing. I hereby tender my resignation from A.V. Club Newswire readership, effective immediately. Good night, and good luck.

I'll admit it: when I first heard that Edgar Wright was leaving Ant-Man to work on something called Baby Driver, I immediately had flashbacks to Jake Lloyd in Episode I ("I'll try spinning! That's a good trick!"). I imagined some smirking preteen punk wearing a backwards baseball cap and cigar boxes tied to his feet

In an unexpected turn of events, loud, public belching in the A.V. Club offices has decreased by fifty percent today. One source reported, "It's like working in a tomb," before releasing a sustained burp which reverbrated through the vacant workspace.

John Wick: The Final Chapter
John Wick: A New Beginning
John Wick: Daisy Lives
John Wick Takes Manhattan
John Wick Goes to Hell (Los Angeles)
John Wick in Space
John Wick in the Hood
John Wick: Back 2 tha Hood
John Wick vs. The Accountant

My only Hooters story: years ago, a Hooters opened not far from where I worked. It had been subject of some local news when a church had objected to Hooters coming to their town (not even their neighborhood; their TOWN). One of my coworkers had suggested going there for lunch in jest, but we still found ourselves

As much as I enjoy this feature, I do have a bone to pick with Mr. Breihan and his characterization of Woo's professional relationship with Chow. I feel that Chow is more Cary Grant to Woo's Alfred Hitchcock than De Niro to his Scorsese. Chow is very much Ringo Lam's De Niro, as evidenced by their collaborative film

I have one word which will resolve how to honor Carrie Fisher's memory without resorting to CGI effects while keeping in-line with Leia's character: Boushh. Manufacture a pretense for her to don the old bounty hunter costume again, then explain that the helmet got stuck on her head, and have her speak in that freaky

Jawbox, "Breathe"

Twisted Sister, "We're Not Gonna Take It"

Don Johnson, "Heartbeat"

Flight of the Conchords, "Business Time"

Only if Armored Leia is voiced by Hayden Christensen. It would be like poetry!

I think we're all missing the obvious solution to this conundrum. There must be hours of unused footage of Carrie Fisher from Episodes VII and VIII in the form of wardrobe test shots, lighting adjustments, deleted scenes and flubbed/alternate takes. Just insert her from these scraps into Episode IX. It saved the Pink

Swear to us now, Disney, that there will be no CGI Carrie Fisher in any subsequent Star Wars films now that she's gone. No holographic projection or "Force ghost" bullshit, either.

*Reads article*
*Goes to filing cabinet*
*Tears up script for "Doctor Officer, Attorney at Law"*

Well, color me surprised. To be completely honest, I presumed that he had passed on long ago. Although he appeared on many classic television programs, he will forever in my heart be that most proper of British valets: Malcolm Merriweather from The Andy Griffith Show. Tell Andy, Barney, Aunt Bee, Gomer, Goober, Gomer,

My favorite scene from Die Hard is when Hans Gruber's gang prepares in the lobby for SWAT to enter Nakatomi Plaza. One of the henchmen (played by quintessential '80s action movie henchman Al Leong) posts up at the concession stand. He looks out over a glass case filled with candy, and he's intensely looking for SWAT