
Yeah, it’s almost like the Joker was supposed to be a villain of sorts.

If him believing dumb shit like this allows him to mentally approach each baseball game like it’s his first/last, I’m all for it. Not sure why it offends you so much since Castellanos does not attend the local CC where you teach.

Alex comes to Austin quite a bit to promote his documentaries, and one of the times he was here, he told the greatest story about him and Keanu. I’ll do my best to re-tell it.

lolololol yeah sure that's what it is, I don't know what I was thinking

Because shut up, Kyle.

The floodgates opened up after that.

Sorry, this is a strawman.

Oh, and that’s why we are going to get Jez hit pieces about how Warren and Harris’s proposals to pack the court are stupid as well?

Now playing

Better or worse than getting punched out by a 72 year old astronaut?

Needs a Lamborghini? If only he had been on the Edens on the evening of August 27, 2007.

Billions is taking next Sunday off.

I thought it was anal, like the Catholics. That way you don’t mess up your glittery lip gloss.

I worry that if I assign a student a grade of 69 on an assignment it would be perceived as harassment. If my initial calculation comes out to that I generally go back and bump it either up or down, probably up since it is only one point from a C. 

Ken Jennings is dirty. He’s Richard Pryor by Mormon standards.

He made 68 jokes and then he made one more. But they were Mormon jokes about polygamy and burlap undergarments.

Not nice 

Haha, trading up for a quarterback that would have still been available? That would have been a terrible idea!

I’m an Eagles fan. I just realized- WE get to face Daniel Jones twice a year!

*does happy dance*


What this country needs is fewer hand jobs and more hand careers.