
not the getting caught part

Jim Nantz was doing his best to get El Tigre to cry. “Just tell us how it feels. And I mean how it really feels. Deep down in your soul. Think of your kids. And your deceased father. How does it feel? Just tell us."

This is good advice in general. 

Huge day for Nike - Tiger’s kid is covered in the swoosh for the victory walk after 18, and Tiger’s shoes didn’t explode a single time.

That was the most fun I’ve had watching golf since...uhh...

Don’t kink-shame bro.

I can picture him sitting back in the ruins, sipping a cold bantha beer, playing holochess with Yoda’s ghost.

I get it, man. Waiting on lab results is a harrowing experience. 

“He supported himself in part by churning out massages.”

The ump definitely has Kulpa... bility.

“Mea kulpa.”

He would have lasted longer if he was thinking about baseball.


I would encourage everyone in this thread to actually read the text of the GND and then come here and tell me this is something people should be supporting. Just because AOC is cute and parrots back the shit we all say on Twitter out loud in her hearings does not make her good at legislating. It was a terrible

Wait, he wants to send a man and a woman to the moon? Will the man be alone with the woman on the moon? Historically, that’s not a situation Pence has been cool with.

I have not listened to Jagged Little Pill in a very long time, but don’t ruin it for me. What’s next on your list? Pieces of You by Jewel?

Now playing

Gotta disagree hard on this one. IMO Jagged Little Pill holds up as a top 10 90s album. It’s a viscerally angry album and Alanis is SO GOOD at getting her emotions across.

I’m trying to see what she did that’s so horrible, beyond calling someone at work fat and some shitty tweets she’s apologised for.

Everyone fails a purity test at some point.
Constantly purging everyone for some evermore exacting standard of ideological purity seems self-defeating and a waste of energy, badly needed

She did dumb shit when she was 21 (or 20?!) and has perhaps...grown in the time since? And I know you acknowledge that but it’s a throwaway line in what sort of feels like a needless hitpiece? This isn’t Tucker Carlson being a racist misogynistic manbaby at 40 or whatever.