
I think you should bring this up at your next therapy appointment. All of the commenters here have really given you a lot to think about and (in some cases) some good perspective, but that’s no substitute for talking about this with your therapist.

The flight attendants are in charge of safety in the cabin. What if they had a serious issue in flight, and she was too drunk/high to do anything? I’d say that qualifies as endagering lives.

Note they didn’t really show the wound Ed was stitching back together. Just sayin’.

I may be way off (base) but I think out of the ‘baseline’ in this instance is if you go more than a certain number of feet (maybe 3') out of your way to avoid the tag.

I don’t watch the show - though I look at the reviews sometimes because I’m curious about it - and I coincidentally listened to a podcast with one of the creators, so I can answer this question!

“Them”, rather than “they”. Also, agreed.

I cut my seasons down to 0 games some time ago and i feel great!

- now I’m curious WTF happened.

“Show me a mark!”

Don’t forget Chicago.

Here’s what playoff hockey in Montreal and Detroit looks like:

Holy shit, this was special. I was a ball boy back when Andre was at American University. I remember him so fondly. I spent half the game on the phone with my father - an alum and season ticket holder for almost 40 years - both of geeking us, so proud.

This is kind of her fault. Many companies will not award bonuses if were not actively employed on the final day of the year. Good lesson though.

Except Rogue One was awesome compared to this and TLJ.

I was freaking out a little as we saw the pieces of the almost-accident coming together — hands over my eyes, saying, “Oh god no.” Because while I’m bugged by how repetitive and ridiculous the Franny storyline has become, we do care about Carrie, and if she had indeed hit her, there’s just no coming back from that.

I got sex troubles, y’all. Sex for the last year or so has been very meh for me for two reasons.

Bill Maher is trash.

If I were a Phillies fan I’d definitely be pessimizing right now.

Look at that pic and try to tell me with a straight face that ol’ Gabe isn’t planning to rape the Philly Phanatic.

Armed all White compound in the woods....I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet they’re White supremacists