
Tom Thibodeau is the god damn Slobodan Milosevic of NBA coaching.

I’m not saying that tommy t ruins players, but goddam tommy t ruins players

Kawhi are you like this?

Yeah, well, your President is still Donald Trump.

Yeah but how many of those people do you rub your crotch on every day?

My (and probably a million other peoples’) theory: They’ve fucked, but aren’t fucking now*.

Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.

I will be honest, I did not expect the first doping bust of the Olympics be from curling. And in a weird way I found my respect for it increased because of it.

Of course scandals like this are nothing new in curling. Last year at the Tournament of Hearts the Skip of the Manitoba team was busted for having a blood-alcohol level under .12. The sport still hasn’t recovered.

That was ba-yeah-yeah-yad.

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.

I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but why aren’t you cutting off contact immediately? Or why isn’t he? If he’s already in this committed monogamous relationship I’m not sure the start of a marriage is the right time to end things. I think continuing to talk with him and setting a future end date is only holding you

I heard them say it was the 5th highest score ever.

Dickie V calls him a VSOP’er!

Wait, that player’s name is Remy Martin? Is Courvoisier his twin brother?

I’m not crying at my desk...You’re crying at my desk!

Yeah, that makes no sense at all.

The whole premise of this article Are we supposed to feel bad for the Knierims? Proud of them for skating in a circle well after watching the news? I expected them to be from Parkland, or something. I’m sure a lot of NBA and NHL players had a similar experience this evening.

Catherine Padilla claims that she asked mayor David Stewart, who’s held his office since 2000 and is running unopposed in an election next month, to install the speed bumps as a safety measure...

These perfectly recap the entire episode as well.