
I’m, its actually calling for LESS precise language. Allegedly is modifying the verb, so it’s making it something more than it was.

True, but you can’t publish whatever the fuck you want based on whose account you believe. Unless you enjoy being deposed.

Whoa, that’s a reasoned and nuanced take! Don’t be having that.

“Allegedly” should stand, as infuriating as that may be....

I would gladly sacrifice my respect to live the life of Brock. In 20 years no one will remember anyway and he’ll be a god damn millionaire.

If you think this is bad, Barry, you should get a load of what his tight end was doing.

The whole police report sounds like when I tried to make my high school papers sound more important with a thesaurus..

“I immediately noticed a strong odor of intoxicating liquor emanating from his breath...”

It’s always reassuring when someone tells me “not worry about the gun.”

His lawyer told him to plead the fifth, but he already drank it


“He refused to get on his knees”

Oh, sure... NOW he doesn’t want to take a knee.

“Why does the boos need to sink in?”

No one cares.

Still probably a top-three all-time Okafor.

So, more like Jahlil Okathree?

“At the end of the day, guys have got to actually take this stuff home and study it,” Gase said a few days ago

Thats part of the problem it’s been done half assed and without the benefit of the supporting films the way marvel has done it. The real sad thing is their TV universe is so well fleshed out with great actors and it’s done in a long format hour long episodes so the transition to a 90-220 minute movie is not at all

Pixel user checking in, touch ID is faster, and you can unlock it as you are pulling it out of your pocket which is faster still.