
I would gladly sacrifice my respect to live the life of Brock. In 20 years no one will remember anyway and he’ll be a god damn millionaire.

If you think this is bad, Barry, you should get a load of what his tight end was doing.

The whole police report sounds like when I tried to make my high school papers sound more important with a thesaurus..

“I immediately noticed a strong odor of intoxicating liquor emanating from his breath...”

It’s always reassuring when someone tells me “not worry about the gun.”

His lawyer told him to plead the fifth, but he already drank it


“He refused to get on his knees”

Oh, sure... NOW he doesn’t want to take a knee.

“Why does the boos need to sink in?”

No one cares.

Still probably a top-three all-time Okafor.

So, more like Jahlil Okathree?

“At the end of the day, guys have got to actually take this stuff home and study it,” Gase said a few days ago

A. to check if it was a bomb. (Probably after an x-ray and swipe of that bomb detecting machine) B. to ID who the bag belongs too to try to get it back to them. Upon investigation they noticed a substance they thought could be of interest so they had it checked.

I like mayors.

Well, in the case of Charlie Heaton, whom you refer to, he admitted to consuming cocaine before/during the trip that was stored in that bag, so maybe not so much shit.

If somebody left behind a bag on an airplane? Yes, that actually does seem like exactly the scenario that you would call police for first to make sure there wasn’t a bomb or other threat. It could be just a left bag, but it could be something much worse. I’m pretty sure the airlines don’t play around with things like

Why did you capitalize mayor?

I read “Thank you, Forgive me my birth”