
That's standard business practice for all companies. Both sides trying to maximize their profits.

In knocking Whitlock's style and motivations for writing what he does the way he does, aren't you kind of doing some of what got him scorned in his rants against Scoop Jackson and other sports journalists? Sum this piece up to a few sentences, and you're saying he's carved a niche out of knocking black people in

Holy shit that was long. If you lined up those words end to end, they'd wrap around Jason Whitlock, like, twice.

On a positive note, he'll get to move out of that shithole Columbia Mississippi

Rudich had hoped to have Ray Rice come out and give his blessing, thinking that would really knock her off her feet.

Vice cops always skim.

Angel Purrgan

Pawblo Sandoval

Steve Coburn: It's all or nothing. It's unfair to these horses who have been there since day one. This is the coward's way out.

FIFA is expected to penalize any country whose uniforms push the envelope. Unless of course those envelopes are filled with money.

I believe that "My Massive Nuts" should also be an option.

Whether or not Lebron's GRIT has anything to do with this, it's just a bit strange that his involuntary cramps involuntarily appear exclusively in Finals games.

It comes with cheese, sour cream, guac, a stereo system, and chrome rims.

"Name something that might be fully loaded"

Despite the concussion, he still claims he's Aoki.

I'm known for giving my honest opinion around here, and I have to say I didn't think that was very funny.

My neighbor has been stealing my copy so I am glad it was posted.

What a raceist

Even if the Rangers would've scored in OT, the Kings domination in the 3rd would still be indicative of the way the Kings can overpower opponents. The style of play in their "best period+ ever" seems like it can be switched on at any moment, and when they do, there's not a damn thing any team in the NHL can do to stop