
I've had several other concerns about Matt Williams, but this has proven to me that he's an idiot

A true friend would have punched Griffin.

I'd guess that was intentional, but the kid is way outside of Griffin's range.


i don't think anyone is throwing around the big/bad superlatives right now. words like "gutless" and "cowardly," however...

"...the big bad bruins..."

it's not the "big, bad" bruins, it's the "dirty, pussy" bruins.

Serbians don't forget. Lucia is just getting Dekeyser back for his aggression 90 years after the fact.


Congratulations! With this comment, you have officially claimed the title of "Lamest Motherfucker on the Internet." Please send your address to, so that we may send you your prize: a JanSport backpack full of dicks.

Smart move by redacting the offer to James. Watching a guy shave his facial hair isn't making any of their target audience Harden.

Dumbass. Doesn't he know his four-head should be in the front?

Detectives are optimistic as the perpetrator strikes with regularity.

[phones are ringing off the hook]

This shouldn't be a top priority for law enforcement but it's definitely their number 2 problem.

I guess he wanted to live in a habitable city that wins Stanley Cups.

Enough sensationalism. There's no such thing as a lightning fan.

Derek Jeter promptly quits team

The warning makes more sense once you know that the chair ump is gluten intolerant.

five second rule in can still eat it.