
WTF is Klizan doing? As close as he was and the and the slight angle he takes walking towards Stan he’s just asking to get blasted. Dumb fuck.

Has anyone heard from Lionel Richie?

Everyone thought Marty was such a breath of fresh air, a millenial renaissance man, when he arrived in Chicago. While talented, he was simply too full of himself and his act grew tiresome half way through his first season. Then, he proved to be a coward by talking shots at teammates after leaving. Actually, the

This is truly amazing. To find her, still as a baby, 18 years later.........

So judgy!

The first post of yours I actually enjoyed.

I only starred b/c I’m an eight year old trapped in a 41 year old body.

“I have never hired Russian hookers.”

Allow me to outline all the ways I am completely surprised something like this happened at FOX News and, even more surprising, involving Bill O’Reilly..........

Only until Trump is sworn in. Then all bets are off.

“warns of slightly delay”??

So instead of diabetes I have to deal with hypertension? Thanks!

It’s always sad to see a fallen star.

Now pass this story along to 10 of your friends........

All that wrist along with the perfect grip makes Sock soooooooooooh, oh, oh, oh. Oh. Good.

As someone else mentioned, in 2009. But, not in the majors.

A democrat in Texas. He’s a unicorn!

TL:DR Don’t be a cheap ass, buy your wife that dryer, maybe make her life and yours a little bit easier