
Now pass this story along to 10 of your friends........

All that wrist along with the perfect grip makes Sock soooooooooooh, oh, oh, oh. Oh. Good.

As someone else mentioned, in 2009. But, not in the majors.

A democrat in Texas. He’s a unicorn!

TL:DR Don’t be a cheap ass, buy your wife that dryer, maybe make her life and yours a little bit easier


Good luck actually proving that any sort of laceration or bruising happened because of *that* incident versus during gameplay.

Just like any job, you assume responsibility for bringing personal property (and what happens to it while working) in the work area, dickbag. Go back to your lair, Nighthawk.

But, as you all know, Jesus Christ can’t hit a curve ball.

You really think so? I thought she looked just average sized for a two-year-old.

Nice call, ya fuckstick. You fucked us all.

You’re an idiot, too. The field at Lambeau has been heated since the 60s.

Yes, you idiot, there’s concrete 5 yards off the playing field. And you don’t recall, that was in St. Louis and way off the field, right next to the front row.


Your handle is incomplete without the ‘Rent-A-Car’.

It’s amazing how most people are completely oblivious to a simple everyday nicety. Like Friday, a woman at work brought in a huge batch of chicken noodle soup. It was cold as hell and I was hungry when she came by and told me about it. I went and grabbed some on break and it was..........pretty bad. But, I was

I’m pretty sure there was a scene this season with Frank and Lip and, while going off on Frank, Lip alluded to the fact that Frank was every bit as smart as he is but pissed it away. Lip knows the train that is coming at him but helpless to get off the tracks.

I’m no mathmeticist, but a $90 gift card for $100 dollars doesn’t sound like a deal. Me thinks this a scam.

I’m no mathmeticist, but a $90 gift card for $100 dollars doesn’t sound like a deal. Me thinks this a scam.

Barring injury, Antonio Brown is going to destroy all of Smith’s “under 6 feet tall” records.