
Have you guys actually tried scrolling through this whole thing today? It’s a bit much with all the deals now. Might benefit from being split up into a couple catagories. Thanks for all your work on this!

Awesome. I wear a 29 inseam so I never find anything decent in stores. Just got a pair of jeans for under $20! Thanks

Awesome. I wear a 29 inseam so I never find anything decent in stores. Just got a pair of jeans for under $20!

Those implants are rather festive.

Don’t be coy with us, you know. You know.

Hawt taek: I love St. Anger.

That gift doesn’t need a special occasion, just a banal argument will do.

This. That’s the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.

Your pants will still be on at the end.

Super hot take: I’ll stop using the word ‘woman’ because I can’t use it to describe men.

Dear Kelly,

And I’m sure the President gives exactly zero fucks if it helps even one person that would have been otherwise marginalized by the incoming administration.

Probably because he absolutely knows it’s best for the country, including all those that voted for him. And he’s a decent person.

So, he’s going to deport them and *then* incarcerate them?

Dammit, Clark, the World Series has been over for a week! Stop dancing, put on some pants and go get me dinner! -Mrs. Clark

Then your staff isn’t truly diverse. Of the Deadspin and Jezebel respondents that actually voted, literally every one voted for HRC.

Now that she has the bankruptcy out of the way and she turns 35 in three years, she’s qualified to run for president in four years. #MAGAbitches

Blame Canada.

This is a pretty lame take on a couple levels.

Currently they’re showing Trump with a 55/44 “Chance of Winning Presidency” lead.