
I had to read that twice before I got it. Is that a Brazilian times?

Eephus? He hardly knows us..........

Bourne Free. ‘Murica!!!!

Crazy. The Kings and the Hawks could both be gone in the first round. I mean, if there are any teams that can come back, it’s those two. But, from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t look like either one’s year.

No, he wasn’t crossed up. He was tracking the pitch the whole way. The catcher had a shit poor stance (knees bowed in towards each other in his squat? Poor balance which effects mobility) and he was still getting set in his crouch as the pitch was being released. Put those together and it’s tough to catch a 95mph

And literally nothing to be lost. Yes, you’re right about instinct. That being said, go back and watch the replay again. He didn’t just bust ass on first sight of the passed ball. He took a step and then hesitated to get a read on the runner at third. Once he saw he was committed towards home, he took off.

I didn’t see the telecast or Zaun’s analysis but there’s a couple things I saw. One, I hate (HATE) when catchers bow their knees towards each other like he did. It may work for some catchers but your balance really kind of sucks and I don’t think you’re as mobile. Which is kind of important when the winning run is on

On an off day, Cardinals fans want the team to have a mini-camp to get things back on track. They feel the team is lacking concentration.

I really wish people would stop using “Ole Miss”, including Gawker. I mean, if you’re just reposting an excerpt from another report, I get it. But it’s not necessary when you’re doing your own reporting (via the sorority member email Jezebel used in this post).

She’s clearly talented but I would only require one fist.

No surprise cargo shorts are involved here..

Rozsival has been better, much better, than I expected this season. Still a pretty low bar. But last night he stuck his dick in the mashed potatoes as did most of the d for a good 30 minutes.

As a Hawks fan, unacceptable. I knew he dropped at least a couple watching it live. I’d like to think the Hawks step up and handle this swiftly and with some heft but, given what’s happened recently, I’m not expecting much.

I was expecting something different when I was told this was about puck slappers.

Barry, the little guy’s right foot is clearly on the foul side of the third base line extended so he’s *clearly* not blocking the plate or beyond. You’re all good, little guy!

It doesn’t matter. Touching a fielder’s foot does not constitute a drop.

There’s not even a game tomorrow, Crash.


Boooooooooo! But I still chuckled.

Beat me to that one