
What does it take to be a Hallmark villain? I’ve been looking for a hobby.

Yes of course! My husband and I are both in our red heart patterned sweaters and purple pants.

Exactly what I was about to comment on. My boyfriend doesn’t even own any purple tops, what are we doing?

Ooh ooh... I do! Warning: I’m about as far on the left of this issue as can be. But you asked, so.

The details of your laws are irrelevant, because they don’t work. Obviously they don’t work because this kind of thing keeps happening again and again - this is your 12th school shooting *this year*.

How about we allow the CDC to study gun violence for a starter?


Don’t call other people ignorant when you’ve been paying taxes all your life and don’t understand what they are for. You just tried to say that we shouldn’t tax guns because that would be punitive. What a retard.

I propose that concealed carry be legal everywhere. However in order to get a permit, one must be able to complete a 7 minute mile then immediately shoot several moving targets with 100% accuracy. While listening to local furniture store ads on repeat.

I teach at a community college. I regularly think about how my students could hide, exit routes from the classroom and my office, etc. The day someone decides that I, as a professor, need to be armed to teach is the day I will quit.

Also, I can’t imagine a more dangerous scenario than arming a bunch of academics.

“The only person who can stop a good guy with a gun is a bad guy with a gun.”

“Police added that as they had not yet definitively determined the race of the perpetrator, they were unable to state clearly whether this was a plea for help from someone suffering from severe mental illness, or an act of terrorism. More on this as the situation develops.”

Good god what a fucking moron

I’m not convinced he wrote that tweet—no exclamation points.

Yes, we should not politicize a political issue.

My kid’s high school did a hard lock down practice run today. This is our country now, and republicans are perfectly okay with dead children as long as their guns are safe from harm.

Shame there’s literally nothing we could do to prevent school shootings.

Just remember we can’t talk about gun control after school shootings. It hurts the NRA’s feelings.

I assume the upsetting part was the cold hard proof that she’s providing intimate material for racists, not that they’d lowered their opinion of her. White supremacy is really good at hiding racism from white people, we’re conditioned to exist in a state of denial. White Americans get freaked out by all sorts of shit

From what I saw — and I may have missed something — her response to August Ames was pretty reasonable and did not qualify as bullying.