
I posted earlier that this could be a defining moment of their marriage. She didn't want to sleep with him and wouldn't communicate why even though it was pretty apparent that it was something that was on his mind. His email could have been handled better, but at least it started a conversation they clearly weren't

BULLSHIT. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, fuck you.

People, if anything like this happens to you or someone you're responsible for, hire a lawyer. Do not depend on the DA's office, the police, or the school's counsel to look out for your best interests. No matter how nice they are, and no matter how much they might care, they don't represent you.

I'm sorry if I said anything that offended you. As far as I can see all I said is that in the original post she said she suggested morning sex. It does not say how she suggested it, if it was a one time remark, etc.. And yes, some men are clueless horndogs, I am one, but that does not make me a bad person.

She initially told investigators that a stranger came into her bunk in the middle of the night, because she "didn't want to get him, a friend, in trouble" (a claim that, of course, was used to discredit her later).


If it hurts/stings/shocks you when it's your high school alma mater, just imagine if it's your daughter. UncleKim said tonight, shaking, that it was His Job to protect his daughters and I didn't know whether to commend him or dress him down for treating them like his property.

You would think it would stop shocking me by now, but somehow, it doesn't. Fucking fuck.

Some people are not at all into morning sex (me for example). I have absolutely no energy and morning breath is a bitch. I still do it though because she likes it.

Indeed. If one partner just up and shuts things down indefinitely and refuses to acknowledge or address it, then they're permanently and unilaterally changed the terms of the relationship. If all reasonable attempts at communicating this have failed then it's probably time to go. Hopefully these folks don't have

If both of you don't care that's one thing... grab a towel.

Too many people are trying to put this in a black and white situation. It goes far deeper than that. Every person is different, and every couple is different.

I'm giving you a sympathy star

here's my sex spreadsheet

Seems to me like these people need to spend less time making spreadsheets and more time spreading on the sheets, amirite?

I worked in the accounting department of a metal shop. We received sick time but still got a ton of shit if we used it. Once I was out 3 days (and should have been out more) because I had strep. Even with a doctor's note my boss called the doc because he wanted to make sure I was really sick. Then he got mad AT ME

I had one manager that was AMAZING. I was so used to finding someone to cover my shift (even when I was so, so sick with the flu and throwing up and barely able to move, a manager told me that it was my responsibility to find someone to cover) that when she told me "I'm the manager, it's my job to find someone to

I feel like this is starting to be a thing outside of the food industry (who definitely does have a tendency to get off on feeling "badass"). I remember in my last office, never taking your sick or vacation days was a badge of honor. Working 80 hours weeks (on salary, so no overtime) was a badge of honor. When someone