
The CG artists of Pirates of the Caribbean had a problem related to this... In that, it doesn't take a CG or computer expert to tell if a scene doesn't look right, audience members just knew that the end result doesn't fit the experiential observations of physical processes. So, fascinatingly you may know what a giant

"That's a blink in geologic time—but how many 10,000 year-old, or even 1,000 year-old, languages are readily understandable to us now?" so true... a radiation warning in pre-sanskrit would be troublesome indeed.

Damn eloquent post... and I agree, but you know the knee jerk reaction to rent control... MERICA!, regulation!, socialism!... I agree though, to some degree the greed and expectations of the landowners and landlords is a great factor in driving this surge in housing prices

Cynical argument... the caring capacity of the planet cannot sustainably tolerate more than a couple of billion people... so every country would help the future existence of humanity and the environments we know and love if they all had some negative demographics for a few years.

Yah I used to live next to Pantex in the Texas panhandle. This is the repository and maintenance facility for thousands of nukes. It was pretty much understood that we were a first strike target. They did have shelters all over the place though and we had air raid sirens... though those were primarily used for

Don't you touch my toy that I get with my occasional Happy Meal. If something was going to get me mobilized... :P

also u do understand my post was sarcasm right... i dont think guns or drugs or food cause anything... i think that in a free country people should be held accountable personally... not by restricting access to these things.

so says king of the sheeple trying to be original and thoughtful without you know any debate or evidence... you must be a religious conservative...

bitter much lol... & I'm thinking you sir are the clueless one to say there is no merit whatsoever to anything I had written. Nice try though troll.

no if you believe that we must possess reason to operate as citizens in a democracy... and that freedom is something that allows people to behave badly b/c ... Then we cannot try to make every possibility as safe as possible. If you really want safety, let's put aggression chips in everybody's head or cut off

It was said on the floor of Congress during the debates over legality of marijuana in the 20's and 30's that it will cause young whites and blacks to socialize (I.e. jazz movement) and will cause a black man to look at a white woman twice. so yah no racism leading to the prohibition of marijuana there... my god,

This isn't science fiction... but one of my favorite neuroscience reads from university.

It's not what you know, it's who you know that gets you the job... Being a person who avoided the Greek system and had a 4.0 GPA... my former Greek classmates are now above me in my fields b/c of WHO they knew... not what...

You mean this is all PR bullshit... people don't actually do that do they? lulz

She is beautiful... poor thing. She need not worry about such an arbitrary viewpoint as this douche nozzle. He sounds like a pretentious ass clown trying to enforce his idea of beauty and a stupid view at that. Oh you like your women to look like Holocaust victims, well good for fucking you Dr. Dick... but the rest

It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again.

Why thank you.

what are the lowest lattitudes likely to see the event? (estimated)

i don't think they were talking like no energy expended more like an offset while you are driving anyway.

NO they are on the same level as children in many ways. They are intelligent, sensitive, compassionate, and, in human civilization, completely dependent upon the owner for not just resources. Humans are calculating, lying, superficial, brutal, dis-loyal, in-"humane" creatures in many respects. I understand your