“lady parts” “lady troubles” Nails on a chalkboard.
“lady parts” “lady troubles” Nails on a chalkboard.
“Gal” reminds me of the shitty old racist black-and-white westerns and the culture of the 50s that helped set Trumpo and his worshippers’ shitty moral compasses.
Also make the woman a serial sexual predator, financial scofflaw, and all-around bigoted asshole.
Take if from somebody who grew up on a farm. Fucking rednecks suck. I grew up wanting to punch lots of idiots in the head until my hand broke.
Floating serenely. In a sky filled with flying cars. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, at least your first breakdown will be your last.
“God” didn’t create Trump. A weird, distant father who wore 3-pc suits to the beach, doting mother, and wealth created this narcissistic monster.
Yeah, it would be “sick” for repair shops.
Hit the “Resume button” on VW’s adaptive cruise. It’ll let the car in front get a little head start though.
These fucking idiots think they have “careers” doing this dumb, useless shit?
Growing up on the farm, we used to laugh our asses off at all the city slickers in their shiny, spotless, expensive pick-ups. All hat, no cattle.
Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It’s worse than NPD.
Been there, done that. Except I was running full speed in a soccer game, planted my left foot for a shot on goal, and pop! The end of any running game for me. Motocross it is. (Not like I’m going to mess up my knees any worse.)
Lenny McLean, baddy from “Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels”, called “The Hardest Man in Britain”. 4,000 bare-knuckles boxing matches and associate of the Krays.
If only he would do these few things, then he could have the freedom of speech! Until then, shut up, huh?
He’s like the definition of an entitled bro shithead.
That is pants-on-head stupid. You’re saying you’re too immature to do the right thing out of spite.
Oh, FFS. I’m white and I grew up on a farm in Missouri surrounded by rednecks. This stupid navel-gazing thing liberals have now where no one is supposed to call dumb rednecks on their dumb redneck ways is complete and utter bullshit. Dumb white people aren’t above reproach, and they can be called on their support of…
The last thing we need is another goddamn reality TV actor-politician.
Helen Mirren should play the villain they’re targeting. Return to her “Excalibur” roots.