Al Swearengen

We had to pave it. The gravel from the road had been washing off and filling up the streams on the mountain. 

A shit leopard can’t change its spots.

Let’s start a gofundme to buy all the pedo-apologists a “Little Mr. Coffee”.

They’re driven 5 miles an hour around Monaco and London by douchebag oil princes.

A great Canadian tuxedo.

It’s because he’s hiding his big ol’ gut. That’s why he’s always leaning forward when stands, too. And why his clothes are so big, and his tie so long.

If the owners have a brain in their head, they need to fire George’s line manager immediately. Adult bullies are cancer to any business, especially in management. They spread their darkness.

Maybe rich assholes could just give money to conservation, without killing for fun? Trophy hunting is #1 on my list of why rich people suck balls.

The first time I’ve ever seen a man willing himself into being a chameleon.

John Oliver figured out that Trump has tweeted about “Fox and Friends” twice as much more this year than he ever has about Tiffany.

It’s all about “the team”. Get the AM and PM nannies on the same page before trotting off to Daddy’s board room. Easy-peasy.

Seoul is one of the largest cities in the world and within artillery barrage of the North. That would be one of the first things in any war and nothing could stop it.

I drive hundreds of miles on congested 3 lane interstate every week. The worst drivers in the world are ADHD lane-swerving idiots who can’t stay in their lane for 2 minutes.

I think it’s the windshield.

I use 1 Password because not only does it remember logins, but you can keep “Secure notes” in it, which are basically text files. Great place to store SQL code that I need to remember in one place.

You mean Crawfish Monica at Jazzfest.

I grew up on a farm and it makes me cringe when somebody like Gorsuch gets all “Golly gee, had to shoo the goat outta the pumpkin patch when I wuz a kid. I’m a regular rustic.” Such a transparent phony.

Should have went and gotten the manager. They probably care that they’ve got someone harassing customers in their yard. If they don’t, they deserve the bad publicity.

Yeah, but Pence doesn’t have the charisma to be a cult leader, and that’s what Trumpism is.