I am operating under the theory that she lost all of the towns’ seniors and was trying to buy time in the hopes that they will wander back when they get hungry.
I am operating under the theory that she lost all of the towns’ seniors and was trying to buy time in the hopes that they will wander back when they get hungry.
Baphomet, Zelator, Ipsissimu, Beelezebub, Ubbo-Sathla, Baal, Cxaxukluth, Mother of Pus.
Our children will raise up and take over this world. They will crush the unworthy under their feet!
Oh those are such beautiful, precious names! Out kids should play together. Or, you know, destroy the unworthy.
Esme is the name of Granny Weatherwax and I demand you take your sinful wrongwords back.
...I want to go on OKstormtrooper now. Think of the possibilities... I’m down for some heavy Fetting.
Writing about Donald Trump is a thankless task, made only faintly bearable by coming up with new ways to describe…
I don’t know about anyone else, but I am relieved to find that I was not the only one who found Darth Maul (i.e. “super creepy yet disturbingly sexy red horn face guy”) disturbingly sexy.
Otaku are people who are overly obsessed with all things anime and manga. They are like uber-nerds, and generally prefer the 2-d fantasy world over real life, making them not ideal suitors.
My friends were going to change their name to match their ferrets, but she wasn’t sure she’d be taken seriously as “Dr. Fuzzbutt.”
tokyo knows what it did
The best thing I ever did with my mom (who has narcissistic tendencies) was to call her emotional bluffs. Like, when she would hang up on me in a huff and try to give me the silent treatment - I just let her. I didn’t try to grovel my way back to her good graces. First time it took FOUR MONTHS for her to get back in…
“I’m a strong, tough, rugged, urban man who can stomach the gritty violence and strong themes of films like The Revenant, because I walk the mean streets of the naked city every day. I’m an apex predator and the metropolis is my pre...OH COME ON YOU GUYS, STOP BEING SO MEEEAAAAAN! It really hurts my feelings.”
oh phuc ngo.
I agree. I think the potential for his arrest is slim, but I do hope something good can come from this.
We’re both men! Every drawer is a junk drawer!
Yep, sure are! Funnily, I haven’t heard anyone whinging about age grading of fitness tests....
I would argue that tipping is not charity, though.
Selfish? Are they fucking serious? Their insistence that they not only keep but also get to force their name on their partner, AND pass it on the new generation is just common sense, but your wish to just merely keep your birth name is selfish? Fuck those assholes.