Shit, I think it can see into my pap smear results.
Shit, I think it can see into my pap smear results.
“By the time I look flat chested I’ll be too drunk to care?”
A few months ago I made the decision to stop being disingenuous in as many ways as I can be. It’s been something of an experiment in complete vulnerability and it has been incredibly weird. I stopped working and have stayed at home working through years of depression. I have decided to be completely open about life…
I seen these kind of folks. Truth is that the souvlaki is not really the thing that needs the stick removed.
Executive assistant to the Press Secretary for the RNC.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
.....mascara under the eyes, pack of cigarettes that you never saw before in your bag and you should stink. The next day you have at least one bruise on your shin and a number written on a coaster with a keno pencil and an illegible name.
it’s a child, not a fucking stray puppy
I always hate the “aren’t black people appropriating white clothes” argument, because white people didn’t just ask other cultures to wear their clothes, or beg people to wear their clothes, they marched themselves into other people’s countries and forced them to wear their clothes, speak their language and assimilate…
Oh, heeeeeeeeeeeere we go. Another 70er shows up with his “just put more clothes on” hypothesis. I’m just glad all the 68ers and the even-more-ridiculous 67ers are stuck in the grays forever.
Anyone who suggests that this air conditioning thing isn’t the most important thing facing feminists today is a pathetic concern troll, and should just stay out of our comments’ section.
Dianna Bedwell, 68, was stranded in her car in a South California desert for two weeks in May. Yesterday she made…
No, old white dude. A great soldier is brave. And one of the bravest things a person can do is admit it when they are wrong. It is terrifying to really look at yourself and see that you are wrong, wrong, wrong - it takes real bravery to do it. My great-great grandpa was shot when he a confederate solder too - but I…
First they came for our dishware, and I did not speak out—
(I feel like gaggle isn’t right for teenage girls. A flock? A murder? A murder.)
I say you call them an odd, because they literally can’t even.
The problem isn’t that those two things can’t be true at the same time. Everyone should always be careful and people should still not have sex with someone who is unable to consent. The problem people have with these types of comments is this...
At the risk of touching the third rail here, can we agree that two things can simultaneously be true?