
People seem to be forgetting that while Ron DeSantis doesn’t really care about Disney, Disney doesn’t really care about DeSantis and his “anti-woke” policies. It’s all about business.

Florida without Disney World is Mississippi.  Glad DBag finally realized this.  

Even then, it was clear he didn’t care about Disney. It is even clear now that he doesn’t really care about all the culture war stuff he was pushing. He was always just projecting fake tough guy energy and trying to be as cruel as possible to impress the rubes. His problem was that he could never pull that off as well

Gawd, politics, ideology and personal animus are all things that get washed away when it comes to making money.

Man, remember a year ago when we thought DeSantis was a serious contender for the Presidency? Crazy times.

The gop is going to keep trotting out trump until he’s dead. Not incarcerated, not incapacitated, not mentally declined... no longer on this mortal plane. The party sold out to him on the idea that his base and enough fringe voters/repubs no matter what would be enough to tip the scales. Losing trump would alienate

Well, DeSantis isn’t trying to be President, or even Vice-President anymore, so of course he doesn’t have any appetite for fighting Disney anymore.

This episode highlights one of Star Trek’s weak points: defining consistent capabilities between different ships. How could it ever be a good idea to pair a runabout with a Galaxy class starship (that has it’s own compliment of shuttles/small craft)?

I can’t believe how much momentum has been lost since EndGame. Delays, setups not being paid off, none of the new movies of recent times have had sequels announced, Kang being ‘cancelled’ but who knows what that has evolved into. It’s all completely fallen apart, and they just look like they’re desperately flailing.

Just rewatching DS9 nowadays going through the the Jem Hadar now. It was a good and rivetting set of episodes that I just went through recently too. As I remember from back when that whole storyline thing went on WAYY too long and kinda detracted from the overall series after a while.

Who could’ve possibly foreseen this entirely predictable turn of events??? Next you’ll be telling me George RR Martin isn’t going to finish those Ice and Fire books any time soon, if ever!!!

What do you mean by “long-awaited”? We already got Blade movies and particularly the first one, it is still glorious

Sane folks will be confused, but it doesn’t need to make any logical sense to his base. He just needs to sprinkle in a few phrases that sound good, like ‘energy dominant’ (MAGA translation: ‘murica, yeah!) for them to fall in line and throw money his way.

We’ll be using all the energy, so there will be none left or any other country!...or something.

He doesn’t have a fucking clue what he’s talking about. He’s just using his word salad of promoting bitcoin because that’s he’s being paid bitcoin dark money to do while throwing in random “America first” bullshit comments to make his dumb as dog shit base froth at the mouth.

The “energy dominant”part is so confounding. Like is he trying to say we will by necessity have to become dominant energy producers to sustain the mining here?

Trump will get the SPACE FORCE to mine bitcoin on MARS!!!

He’s looking for any and every scam to rip off his cultists.  Bitcoin is just his latest. Blockchains are great tech, cryptocurrency is bs. 

Donald Trump flip-flops on so many tech issues, his favorite technology is Static RAM.

That portion of it confused me, as did his claim that if we “make” all the Bitcoin in America we’ll become energy dominant. I need him to show his work here because if all the bitcoin mining is going on here I don’t understand how that makes us energy dominant. This just feels like underpants gnomes planning.