
These cars have logged thousands of miles and had a few incidents. Meanwhile I have seen several people drive like idiots on my way to work this week.  I have close to a hundred rides in a Waymo and I can tell you they are better than most of the drivers out there. 

A cyclist ran a stop sign at a 4-way intersection and collided with a car. The car then called 911, instead of getting out and calling cyclist a dumbass. 

I feel like the headline is very misleading. It makes it sound like the Waymo was not able to detect the cyclist and that is why the collision occurred and even says that the company agrees with that. But that is not true. Per Waymo’s statement, the cyclist was hidden behind a truck so Waymo could not see it. But as

So the cyclist was riding recklessly and got nicked by the Waymo car. Got it.

The December grav assist is the second, then there’s a third in 2031 before it finally arrives in 2033. Hopefully, with some of the more powerful rockets we have coming on line, we can do more direct launches in the future instead of wasting a decade doing multiple grav assists to get everywhere.

As an aside, re Elon’s comments about never incorporate in Delaware.

Awww. pwooor guy...let me cue the sad trombone while I serenade you with the world’s smallest violin....

You bastard. That’s going to be in my head all day long now, thanks. Mind you, I knew it was inevitable once I clicked on the Comments section. 


Finally we’re getting really large space-based astronomical instruments.

The weird thing about these little invincible buggers are, you can’t kill them but they die on their own in a couple of years, some may only live a few months.

Repub-nazis proving what rotten minions they are to Donald The Criminal—otherwise known as American Hitler—I’m “shocked”.

Trump voter: “Didya hear the crazy thing Biden said?!”

Exactly my thought.

Republican always cheating because they can’t win fair and square.  It’s why they hate democracy. 

There was a time when I would have said Americans were too smart to fall for crap like this, but the last several years have shown many of them to be far stupider than I ever imagined.

The penalty on this is going to be insane.”

Assuming they are in the US.

The stupid part is it doesn’t even matter.”

Unless they are just testing the fences for the general election.

This is incredibly unsurprising. Freely-available AI content generation tools have only been around for a short time and already they’re being used for exactly what we all knew they would be used for. We are not ready, as a society, for this level of disinformation.

It is easy to dismiss them, because apart from revulsion anything more is just another desperate cry for even more attention.