
Holy shit that is insane. I’m not going to deny that I have ever mansplained - any dude with a lick of honesty and introspection would be absurd to deny they ever have - but I would hope to think I’ve never done anything even close to this. He might as as well have called her “sweetheart” and told her to go back to

not clicking on them is the first step

Then why did you click on a non tech story and even comment on it? The answer is because you don't come here for tech, you come here to bitch about things in the comments. At least that's what your actions say. You'll probably say something to the contrary but you know the old expression about actions and words.

As soon as he starts polling above 20% (if that ever happens) look for the right-wing driven hit pieces linking him to Sharia Law and illegal immigration.

I can’t wait to see Chopper murder some fools in live action! 

Took a patented Sarah Sanders play right out of the playbook with that bullshit. Remember her sighs and eye rolls as she explained away yet another Trump twittershits in the middle of the night like she was a knowitall condescending teacher talking to a student?

Musk is a good money man and a decent engineer..

Aside from his obsession with how cool he thinks the letter X looks, this is the man who gave the world the hideous monstrosity that is Tesla’s Cybertruck.

Speaking of delusional losers. This idiot thinks Republicans who are terrified of the great replacement theory will vote for him. The only response to this guy is to outright laugh in his face. But the media are committed to the farce because he ticks their Brown Elon Musk reactionary box or whatever. 

Somehow, Musk also thinks this move would reduce clickbait.

CNN let some conservative wanker run an opinion piece decrying how fellow conservatives refusing to support Ramaswamy because he is a Hindu are betraying their own values. I guess that would be true if the GOP hadn’t pivoted to courting voters by promising a white Christian ethnostate? They haven’t been subtle about

His platform is just copy/paste of other GOP talking points. Even the millennial members of the GOP are just tired and unoriginal with their nonsense.

The man is clearly a dick,”

Oh, this is a fantastic idea! It will push journalists and news sites to use other social media platforms even more quickly. Go, Musk, Go!

Somehow Musk continues to impress me with how stupid he is. Kind of like the orange menace, he’ll do something that I think is just the dumbest thing he could possibly do but then he’ll go do something even dumber. I bailed on Twitter the day he took over.

to somehow incentivize reporters to write news directly onto Twitter itself.

I did google, it’s how I found out what their valuation was. Idiot
Now why don’t you try changing your narrative in the face of contradictory evidence.

“America Is Already Great.”

And now Monday morning!

How incompetent do you have to be to still have your site showing this on Sunday? Seems like if Trump was capable it'd be fixed within hours.