
it was OK for them to break the law because they think fetuses are people

Lyin’ and crimin’ for Jesus never goes out of style.

My hobby is vintage bicycles. Zero arrests so far.

Is the alternative really bad though? Do we NEED all these churches with dwindling congregations that have perpetrated horrific abuse of hundreds of thousands of children? Let them go bust. Good riddance. 

Good. Fuck all cults and the unearned reverence society bestows them.

Doesn’t the Vatican funnel money to local dioceses for non-sex abuse reasons?

Good. Fuck them.

It’s more just not surprising - this is what bankruptcy is for, restructuring debt so that it can be paid at least at a percentage of face value. Keep in mind that the alternative here is that the diocese just folds, leaving the creditors trying to pick through the scraps of property and such to get money back. 

In the meantime, estimates put the Vatican’s total worth at $5-30 billion. No one knows because corruption and greed.

<Cue tiniest violin>

Tax the GODDAMNED churches already.

Cheering that your country’s team lost is the definition of un-patriotic.

And this is coming from the guy with multiple failed businesses, failed marriages, failed re-election campaign, countless failed lawsuits, etc.
So, in a “The Usual Suspects” plot twist, Trump is actually trying to tell the world that HE is the most woke person in the history of wokeness.

The military is already aware of at least one use of fusion.

Americans cheering against the people representing the U.S. abroad is... patriotic? And paying a British guy to talk shit about Americans is also patriotic?

Can Republican scumbags quit pretending to care about women and girls in sports now?

Tuberville hates America.

He’s clearly trying to wait things out so the repugs can start stacking military leadership with christofascists.

I love this so much. This should be our generations Space Race or Manhattan Project. I‘m all about green energy and reducing emissions, but it’s simply too late for that to be enough. This is the solution and the answer to climate change. Beyond cutting emissions if this becomes feasible we could also start large