
The GOP will double down because their base is all in on Trump. For them, the indictments are medals of honor. Trump will win the Republican primary handily precisely because of the indictments, not in spite of them. I fully expect DeSantis to also drop to single digits in the polls with the rest of losers in the

You are far too generous, yes there was some small minority that knows Frump is a fraud, liar and an idiot. But the vast majority of his voters are just as fucking stupid and believe the verbal diarrhea he spouts from his tiny anus mouth. Racism, bigotry and hurting “the right people” is all that matters to them in

The fact that he can still run for president shows just how worthless our system is.

If past is prologue, this latest indictment could just make Trump poll even higher.

All of this. I’ve been waiting for someone to hit me with the “they taught them to farm” BS, as if they were only eating dirt sandwiches throughout continental Africa.

Aaah. I remember my first job. I learned how to operate and maintain a deep fat fryer at a burger joint. Then I was forced to work for no pay for the rest of my life and my children were subsequently forced to work for free as were all their offspring. Aah yes, the glorious benefits of that fryer training. I look

Why do idiot Republicans want to debate people better than them? Does Ron think debating is flinging his poo like the angry little chimp he is?

It is widely documented that enslaved Africans arrived in the colonies WITH significant skills, and in fact many were sold to specific areas for specific purposes BECAUSE of the skills they already possessed.

Perhaps Despicable DeSantis and his ilk should read my book, The Language of the Blues. I’ll provide a short

wow learning how to pick crops was super useful. It’s not as if Africans didn’t have skills that related to their culture and native land. 

The only reason Gaetz is dunking on Reboot Ron is because he supports a criminal who is literally out on bail. There is no other reason. 

Yea, don’t start casting stones now Cait. No one has forgotten your overt sycophantic hypocrisy.

Caitlyn Jenner has spoken out against trans women’s participation in sports, but participated herself in a women’s golf tournament and supported a trans woman’s bid to join the LPGA. She is not a serious person in any way, shape, or form. Agreed that DeSantis deserves all the heat but Jenner is not the one to bring it.

They’re not, but let’s not let that get in the way of a good screed.

So we’re going to hold the former Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate Majority Leader responsible for the actions of a state representative that switched parties because she felt like state Democrats weren’t paying enough attention to her?

Thanks to campaign reform, national parties are now largely powerless to stop idiots. Thus, you have Marjorie Taylor Green being the top republican fundraiser and the GOP having zero ways of saying, “we are not letting Donald Trump run as a republican based on his historical record” in 2016.

It’s the dirty little

She doesn’t really seem to harbor any strongly held beliefs other than a desire to be praised, coddled and given attention.

Republicans have no policies or strategies that are popular with the general population. They have given up trying to appeal to the majority. The only plan is to cheat their way into office by any means necessary. 

How involved do you think Pelosi and Schumer were in the details of a state house race? 


Only 19 states and DC have recall petitions for elected officials, and North Carolina isn’t one of them. Even worse, there isn’t even a provision in the state Constitution that allows for the impeachment and removal of state legislators (only the governor, lieutenant governor, judges, and members of the Council

Lying right-wing lawmaker continues lying when confronted by original lies. Film at 11.”