
“Change it back to Twitter but shorten it and replace a T with an X. We good?


Every day with Elon. EVERY. DAY.

He tried to do the same thing at PayPal and Peter Thiel’s people sent him packing for similar reasons.

He’ll need to buy an eXtra amount of horses most likely.

ElMo is going to sue everybody who uses the letter x. First target: grade school multiplication classes!

How long till he gets sued for seXual harassment over holding meetings in the S3Xy conference room?

Pedantic: not an OS.  It’s a Unix System!

Silence, heretics! Observe the 5D chess (with multiverse time travel) grandmaster at work!



he’s renamed conference rooms to “eXposure,” “eXult” and “s3Xy,”

Heartwarming: the biggest diptheshit on the internet proves incompetence, again.

That ‘small town’ idiot is from Macon, GA, population 154,000. At least John Mellencamp was from Spencer, IN, population 2400.

I think we should all flip him the bird any time we see him, just for being a twit.

It really looks like a logo for a nearly 40 year old operating system.

I think we can all just start agreeing he’s an idiot now. No conspiracy theories, no ‘grand plan.’ Just a fool and his money, quickly parting

Isn’t this the guy who’s Trump’s cuckold?

My behavior, while not criminal,

“My behavior, while not criminal...”