
It’s going to be amazing when he rips his mask off to reveal that he was Sacha Baron Cohen all along.

Sometimes I think that George Santos is doing some sort of Sokal Hoax style political science experiment with the GOP to see how preposterous he can be without completely alienating himself so long as he supports Trump.

I’m certain he has a contingency plan to pivot to “What? I’m never been gay. Married this whole time to my beautiful wife. No, I did not say she was Morgan Fairchild. I said she was Morgan Fairchild-ish.”

Apparently he’s never heard of Ernst Rohm.

Like most stories about Republican infighting, this is one without a hero—just a gay congressman waking up one day and realizing he’s been vocally supporting and enabling a bunch of homophobic men who hate him.

Yeah classic case of “if I side with them, they’ll exclude me from their persecution”. Nah dude. It doesn’t work like that. They hate you too. You’re a useful idiot for as long as it is profitable for them. At that point, they’ll wash their hands of you.

I highly doubt the discovery in this case proved the Administration was actively working with companies to remove any content that wasn’t criminal in nature. What this judgement does, essentially, is reinforce the lie that Biden is censoring the free speech of right wingers. This is ammunition for Greene and Boebert.


Not to mention the ‘source’ is a right-wing lobbying front that allies itself with conservative groups.  

That attempted tweet regarding the cost of cookouts...can’t be accurate. Yes, the cost of groceries is going up—but it’s been going up since forever. More than that, claiming that certain things have gone up in price by 25% since last year seems unlikely at best.

Which date will the MAGAs storm Monrovia?

Liberia, an African country that was founded for Freed African slaves from America.

Just a flag mixup error it happens.

Every American who a) knows there’s a country named Liberia and b) knows what the Liberian flag looks like won’t vote Republican. Really, I don’t know why they deleted the tweet.

Really, you entirely skipped the history of Liberia it’s ties to America and how that makes this particular flavor of fuckup entirely even more brain warping?

I love how the conservatoads scream “free speech” and “censorship” whenever they voice their terrible opinions, then turn around and censor others and stifle their free speech first chance they get.


My take is that the states that restricting things left and right are also the states that scream “freedom” the loudest.

LMAO! I'm old enough to remember "adult check" and other third party age verification services. What's old is new in the south.