
The republicans will do anything, even lie, to get their “Christian” nation they want so bad. This is not a surprise in the least.

However at my job an acquaintance has a kid who is brilliant. 36 ACT, top of the class, chess champion, and they’re Asian decent. He was worried that his kid wouldn’t get into Harvard because so many Asian kids have the exact same scores and they limit based on race. Kid ended up getting in but the fear is not

Except is is relevant, because Smith hasn’t suffered damages. No damages, no standing to sue.

It happens so often and it’s been happening for so long that I’m convinced these trolls are willingly ungrayed by a Spanfeller lackey to generate clicks.

Her original complaint only spoke of hypothetical harm.  The false statement then alleged actual harm (or at least a basis to argue that it existed).  If the case turns on whether she needs to show actual harm to have standing, then it certainly would matter.

According to one of the linked articles, he’s been arrested.

Yep, we are fucked for sure.

So a story was made up to enforce a stance? From a holier than thou Christian frump who is loving the attention and willing to say anything to keep the focus on her?

Can something be done about the fake Dr Lizardo account and others like it, please? I have a pretty high tolerance for black humour, but the shit these trolls get away with is not fucking funny. People are getting killed by people who share their intolerance, but they find safe harbour on this site. It’s becoming hate

5 bucks say Thomas comes back on this. Dude is notorious for holding grudges for decades about shit. His former pages told that Thomas was directly quoted as wanting to shoot down anything and everything Democratic after the Anita Hill hearings purely out of spite.

Whaaaaa... a white Christian perpetual victim is making a completely made up bad faith argument?!?  I just don’t believe it...

Horrifying and ironic. Clarence Thomas made his entire confirmation about victimhood, whining about how this was a high tech lynching. He’s been bitter, resentful and vindictive ever since.

It’s amazing how bad the court has become since the majority flipped. I still remember screaming (not literally) at my friends a family how important 2016 was and that the court be fucked for a generation if Trump won. 

Fuck Uncle Thomas. Talk about permanent victimhood. He benefited from affirmative action, and has spent his entire career trying to destroy it because some racist white people insulted him over it. His response to white supremacy isn’t to try to root it out (which affirmative action does) it’s to embrace it to further

This Court has been nothing short of a horror show of ethically flawed behavior and a dystopian interpretation of the Constitution and its application to everyday life.

They are sorry they got caught. They have no problem engaging as the same actions as Nazis.

“We’re sorry (we got caught).”

“We condemn Adolf Hitler’s actions and his dark place in human history. We should not have quoted him in our newsletter.”

The beer of easy enjoyment...a.k.a. the beer you drink when you’re so slopped that you reach for the nearest half-full plastic cup, not caring whose it was or whether there’s still a ping-pong ball in it.

Business wise, it was a dumb move to start with. I have a hard time believing it got the green light in the first place unless it was to gauge how loyal their audience was.