
That’s not what I’ve been reading. 

Well if you have any better theories as to why this happened now, which appears to have left “experts” scratching their heads you’re welcome to offer it up. I put forth a theory, got better one? Go for it. But what I have proposed is not some new tactic that no other gov’t in history hasn’t employed before....

Occam’s Razor being applied based on all the evidence laid out before. Even furthermore, I just watched an interview w/ a Hamas official requesting the US negotiate a prisoner swap on Russian TV.

It’s a logical theory that a foreign adversary could apply pressure elsewhere to break our concentration on Ukraine. 

Re-read my post. I explain, in very simple terms how this could benefit Russia. 

Re-read the first line in my post. 

Apparently, Iran had no idea this was coming

I 100% disagree they had no part in this. The connections are to obvious and it’s not causing them any pain or stress watching Israel get a bloody nose.

We can both condemn Israel’s historical treatment of Palestinians, while denouncing the terrorism and violence that Hamas committed against innocents, including what they have done to some of their own people. The situation all around is heartbreaking.

Side note: Anyone else thinking this is all connected to Russia?

“Thou shall not lie... unless it’s about a thing I dislike, don’t understand, or believe I should have total control over.” - Republican Commandments

I live in the bay area. I’ve seen some in certain areas in SF, but it’s nothing like what is reported on Fox or OAN. Also it’s pretty easy to look past it when you see all the other amazing and naturally beautiful places CA has to offer, from San Diego to Eureka! 

We might pay a lot in taxes, have to deal with red states dumping their homeless in our cities, and occasionally do a sidestep on the sidewalk but there’s not a day that goes by that I’m not thankful to be Californian. 

I always give a bit a head cock when I see a woman justifying their anti-abortion stance. Yes I know they exist, but all the same, regardless whether they would ever need an abortion or not, the scope of what they are pushing for goes far beyond just having an abortion. Yet here they are pushing for their own bodies

Rape and pregnancy can be life threatening, esp for a 12 y/o. I brought you out of the greys to highlight the sheer stupidity of that comment and bring a light to show all others why voting Republican will always be against out better interests.

“I was at church a couple of weeks ago, and our pastor talked about on this issue in particular, we need to speak gently and kindly because it is such a sensitive issue and there are a range of different viewpoints on the question of life. Mine happens to evolve from my position on faith and my relationship with

Marlene, your god and anyone else’s has NO PLACE in public debate on ANY TOPIC whatsoever regardless of their standing on reproductive healthcare or anything else. And I am as up-to-date as it comes in regard to Christianity. I went to 12 years of catholic school and read the bible cover to cover, unlike most priests

Thanks to Republicans

100% agree. Religion needs to stay in it’s lane, and out of any public conversation of importance. 

Most people, I’ve met admittedly, who are transgender undergo A LOT of therapy before transitioning and continue to do so after. This shouldn’t be of concern to anyone else tho, but here we are b/c one party has run out of ideas and now is solely focused on “culture wars.”

Right b/c those small rural hospitals just have loads of cash to burn!? And I think being potentially criminally indicted for just doing your job outweighs salary prospects 10 times outta 10. 

“Rep. John Vander Woude, chair of the House Health and Welfare Committee and a co-sponsor of the state’s ban, told NBC he and his colleagues didn’t predict the varying ripple effects of their law.”

Right b/c it’s not like there wasn’t a litany of medical professionals providing testimony that this would happen when you

Truckers are just like those coal miners in WV. The writing has been on the wall for years now people. These are industries that are either outdated and outmoded, or are just flat out going away. You can’t stop change or progress.