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For a long time now I was suspecting it was WIMPS in the form of neutrinos. But this certainly is going to make me reconsider that notion given their simulation. Tho it was only 1 quasar, it would be interesting to see if their model holds up under other scenarios.
And for added bonus knowledge, I must now go review

Meh, it’s been on the decline for a while now. Some of their articles have been great, like when they would cover conflicts or significant events around the globe. But then there were others where they would do lengthy recaps of the whole saga between Kim Kardashian, Kanye, and Pete Davidson that would be the headline

LOL there’s only been 1 shooting and this isn’t some per capita statistic. I’m simply point out that an overwhelming majority of mass shootings have been by straight, white, cis-gender christian males but no one seems to call that out when they blow away another school, black church, grocery store, YMCA, yoga studio,

Also calling the Democrats a war-mongering party is preposterous considering all recent wars and conflicts were started by Republicans. But hey, don’t let your stupidity get in the way of you “changing the world!”

Today is going to be good day now. 

WOW so 1 trans person shot some people. 1, compared to the thousands of cis-gender white heterosexual christian guys who done the same or worst? Yeah, show me on the doll where selective ignorance hurt you?

No they are not. LOL

LOL ok Sure, Jan. “Revolutionary change”
You’re just another pseudo-intellectual young 20 something that hasn’t seen enough of the world to understand what that change is, how to implement it, much less what the societal transactional cost would be to the population as a whole. Call me a loser all you want, I’ve been

Republicans sure do make mountains of mole hills. Trans people aren’t bothering anyone, it’s religious nut jobs knocking on your door on Sunday who are. 

You don’t change the world telling everyone working for the same cause they’re wrong. And calling me a loser only shows how crass and unable you are to bridge divides and generate consensus. You won’t be getting thanks from anyone, esp me, with your sinicism.
Bernie had a lot of ideas but no details on implementing

Congrats conservatives, you turned your states into a no-man’s land for medicine.

Don’t make enemies out of people you don’t need to. It’s not the way to win in life or convince others to side with you. Tact is everything. 

Again with assumptions. If you knew me, actually knew me, you’d realize just how wrong you are. 

Dont bother w/ this guy, just flag him. 

You have literally no idea what you are talking about and the assumptions you make only prove how big of an ass you truly are.

It’s cute the courts think this will change what is already been well set in motion in the bay area. 

Bernie was never an option dude. Sitting out of elections b/c people have fragile egos over their candidates instead of caring about the policies is childish and what created this mess. And go-on about socialism, that title is getting so old and worn and yet we’re no closer to being Norway than Zimbabwe is to a 1st

LOL Sure, Jan. 

Learn basic civics and how gov’t operates and you won’t face plant so hard on a public forum.