
How does a person say, “Out of the ruins you can rise and let the oil of his anointing just be all over you,” and not immediately laugh at themselves for sounding so batt sh*t crazy? 

What makes you think I wasn’t paying attention? Don’t assume to think I wasn’t aware of that. But like I said, we had/have our problems, but I remember back then things were still looking up more than they are now. Jeesh, you people would point out the singular rain cloud on a sunny day. 

F*ck off comrad

Our nation had problems, no nation is perfect, but I wouldn’t say we were trashed before him. I remember during and prior to 2015-16 there was a future worth looking forward to. That all died when was made president and now we’re here, left, crawling back to where we were all those years ago now. This is where I like

I hope all these legal issues result in a swift, yet excruciatingly painful, demise. Trump trashed our nation, our norms, our laws, and our valued traditions. He deserves nothing short of certain actions that I cannot speak to on this forum. 

I was super happy to read some local articles out of Sacramento how some farmers are letting their fields go fallow and flooding them this year to help rebuild ground water stores. We needed this winter in CA. 

“There have been many people throughout history that have been arrested and persecuted by radical corrupt governments..”

  • One bill, HB 33, would ban state agencies from helping federal agencies enforce laws around oil and gas production if those federal laws contradict state laws—a move that would hamstring the EPA and other federal bodies’ ability to regulate the oil and gas industry.

That’s a real shame, I thought the show was considerably better than Willow and tho it felt like it may have puttered in the middle the there at times, they set it up for a 2nd season which I feek would be great to watch.

And the frustrating part is that the media will give it to him. The best thing to happen is if they simply reported he was arraigned and that was all. But no they’ll be easily baited into giving him the circus he wants to which there will be much handwringing over later as to why that was a bad idea in the first

“The biggest way to impact prices at the pump is to bring more supply,” she said. “And what’s happening right now is every policy we’re passing, whether it’s a windfall profits tax, whether it’s a governor who won’t issue permits on crude oil, whether it’s restricting any kind of ability to get more oil to market —

Please point to the part in the bible where it talks about health care coverage at all? I’m so sick of these people.

Saying someone taking Prep, or having insurance cover their Prep, is a violation of your deeply held religious beliefs is like saying a person on a diet getting upset over someone eating a bagel can’t

Cue right wing faux outrage meltdown.....3.....2.....1.....

There’s something about obscene wealth that makes people whiny bitches. It’s getting really old. 

I don’t think it is quite the achievement he thinks it is when he literally had his coders make everyone on twitter follow him w/o consent. Before I recently deleted my twitter, I had to block Musk several times. But I guess if Elon got his participation trophy everything is right in the world of Elon. 

Honestly, after their recent poor turnout in the mid-terms, it doesn’t seem like their usual go to for voter suppression is working anymore when faced against the growing throngs of people who are against them. Abortion is now a millstone around their necks and they’re not going to be able off load that baggage for

“national strategy to permanently lose elections for a generation.”

“It is mind-boggling for me to listen to people who have not one iota of medical training, stand up here and try to educate you about a heartbeat or this or that or pregnancy,” Staats told the committee.

It’s b/c we have allowed people’s stupid religious beliefs and opinions to be vaulted to the same level of

Yeah but again, all to continue to enrich themselves. Musk imploding twitter makes money for them directly or indirectly how? 

People invest to make money off a product. If they provided money for any other reason then it’s called a grant or charity and according to what we know about the investors, Sauds and UAE, they’re not known to be the charitable types.