
I agree with you partially but this is a pick and choose your battles scenario. If they did that for everything, nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing would ever get accomplished. I completely understand your frustration with the current state of affairs but this cannot be another time where people get stubborn

What do you expect them to do? The only way this changes is for people to once and for all ditch the goddamned Republican party of do nothings and know nothings. 

When the country collapses it’ll be b/c Republicans pushed it over the edge. None of these “wedge” issues have any bearing on their day to day lives whatsoever. Yet the party of “small gov’t” seems to think it does and that they have some divine right to tell people how to live their lives. 

Buckle up kids, this is only the beginning of the right wing fascist push to kill our democracy and install their fucked up theocracy. We are in for some truly difficult times. 

Honestly, it was a number of things, with misinformation being proliferated and readily believed by so many people that was an issue. So many people were willing to ignore the worst truths about Trump, yet believe the worst lies about Clinton. This is why it is so important to vote, even if your favored candidate

You should have written the article. You are 100% spot on. It’s like people have no idea how civics works. 

Well it was the “I’m taking my toys and leaving” attitude the Bernie bros took when he wasn’t nominated in 2016 that certain didn’t help matters. Now we won’t have any progress, at all, ever. 

Time to break the nation apart. I hate the midwest idiots. 

Having a nation with a patch work of laws and rights they grant to their citizens was exactly what the founding fathers wanted to avoid when they put forth the supreme court as a co-equal branch of gov’t. This will have consequences for many years to come.

Welp, I’m all for my state of CA to join OR, WA, HI and NV and become the West Coast Republic. Begin trade and military alliances with Canada, the EU, and Mexico, and watch as we vault to the 3rd richest economy in the world while the midwest states fall into economic isolation and destitution.

Well considering Stare Decisis wasn’t in jeopardy back then, your argument on Democrat inaction is moot. 

Clinton and Obama both had better growth in the economy than Bush, Bush Lite, or Trump. What you say is not true but any standard measure of economic growth or wealth and I can provide citations for that if needed. 

I had this exact argument all of 2016 with other liberals and I couldn’t believe the childish like selfishness b/c Bernie didn’t get the nomination. Boo effing hoo, now look what we are stuck with!? 

Well thankfully, soon enough, stare decisis will be meaningless so we just need to get these fools voted and impeached out, over turn their unprecedented precedents and thumb our noses at their oppositional whining later. These people’s actions are continuing to shrink their party’s size further so let them have their

Nah, just ignore the ruling and continue on. In my mind SCOTUS is no legitimate anymore anyway considering that 5 out of the 6 conservative justices were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote, on top of the fact Trump is a traitor and all his appointments should be removed from the bench. 

Just ignore the ruling at this point. If SCOTUS really believes the NY gun law was unconstitutional, let them go an enforce it. FUCK all Republicans. 

Wasn’t it found that everything he was telling people to buy/sell he was in fact doing the opposite in his portfolio? Essentially gaming the market thru his obnoxious TV show. Pretty sure that happened. 

I hear ya! I went out to buy pepper spray to carry with me when I’m celebrating Pride SF this year. After seeing what went down in Idaho, we all have to be on the look out. Stay in groups, don’t walk alone at night, stay safe, see something say something. 

Where is its off switch? It never shuts the eff up!? 

The LGBTQ community are the perennial boogeymen to a political party that has no guiding principles, morals, ideas, or solutions to the issues surrounding our nation. When you have to go out of your way to vilify your own fellow citizens b/c they are different, it’s because you have nothing else to offer your