I have some privacy concerns regarding scanning my receipts and sending them off to a 3rd party...
I have some privacy concerns regarding scanning my receipts and sending them off to a 3rd party...
Friends who send friends chain letters are not friends.
I am so glad you can do your research to determine you shouldn’t get the flu shot. Be sure to tell all the doctors and people who work at the CDC that you figured it all out.
It’s impossible to catch the flu from the modern flu shot. Unless your last flu shot was decades ago you either a) caught the flu anyway from a source other than the shot (it’s not 100% effective but that’s no reason to not still get the shot) or b) caught something else and thought it was the flu.
It’s not so much an indictment of athletics, but the idea that his participating in athletics is somehow an argument against him being a huge asshole.
It’s absurd that we had to pay anything in the first place since this isn’t something we could even opt in/out of.
I think it’s a terrible message and a message that shouldn’t be sent.
People who survived tend to have survived.
Three words: national minimum wage.
Figure out how to make your money work for you.
The State of the Union is great when you have someone that can speak above the 6th grade reading level.
This is stretching.
I can see a problem with this: people are rude and inconsiderate.
You know the beauty of buying bananas? I don’t have a salesperson trying to sell me bananas. I know I want bananas. I know I want 6 bananas. I know the condition of the bananas I want. I don’t need some idiot telling me I really want 4 apples.
“Our president tweeted that the government should “Let Obamacare implode, then deal.””
This is the crux of it, really. Republicans will dig a tunnel under the walls of Obamacare, set the charges, and collapse the wall by blowing out its supports. They’re already doing this by defunding the subsidies that make the…
For quoting MLK a lot in their anguished letters, I think some of those Seattle parents forgot this passage from the Birmingham County Jail letter-- replace moderate with liberal, because that’s just the shifting goalposts since the Reagan Years:
I don’t know how you can possibly remedy something you already fucked up sufficiently to be rated the best.
Nope. Not doing it.
It is completely unfair to the dealer since the customer does not have this knowledge and may try to answer the questions honestly.