That’s because the Broncos will own both end zones! - Fake hubris from scared shitless Broncos fan
That’s because the Broncos will own both end zones! - Fake hubris from scared shitless Broncos fan
Don is really shady, though. His alibi is probably fake. His mom was the manager of the store that he said he worked at, and she may have created a fake time card. The manager of the store he usually worked at was his stepmother, who lives with his mother, so it seems they were in a relationship. And that’s just the…
Ciara already tried a Future upgrade; it didn’t take.
I still don’t think he’s binged her.
This motherfucker is so corny I swear Congress is gonna subsidize him in the next farm bill.
You are certainly bringing pouting nationwide.
Mere moments ago, I would have describe myself as a savvy, meanspirited person who lives her life bragging on the…
Tried to ask her and my ouija board did something strange:
My 18-month old likes to put a dish rag over her head and then walk into a wall.
Yep, you can take it orally, vaginally, and anally. Probably safest to do it in that order...
You................sound like...............a.................very...............................miserable...........................human......................being.
I sincerely first read the title as: Andie MacDowell Booted From First Class, Moved to ‘Tourist Class’ Like Some Kind of Animal.
These sort of systemic changes, that get at the structure of an “old boys club,” while never sufficient on their own, are 10000% good news. How did this not happen decades ago?
File Picture of Dale:
Hey fellas
most shocking part of this is that there is a workplace in North Carolina that only employs one person named Dale
Worse than the guy at the blackjack table who constantly calls it poker?
...become a good rapper who makes good songs, or get out of the way to make space for someone who will.
Because it’s in Denver, which for the Patriots is historically the equivalent of having them all play with a lung removed.
I have friends