Albert Kunteko

Are you guys talking about Gary?

It depends; is this before or after he intentionally destroyed his cell phone and then built a defense based solely upon the lack of evidence...that he destroyed.

Come on, we all know Brady did that shit. If you don’t think he had anything to do with adjusting the PSI you are:

Take your record and your dumb shirt and cut your losses.

Definitely Not Miss Piggy

Right!? She may as well have typed out the words “dumb whore” because she was so very clearly thinking them. What an asshole.

I have to say that GQ article is the most snide, condescending thing I’ve read in a very long time, maybe ever.

My weiner dog has spots like a seal....which is kind of like a water pig in a way. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah-WEINERS RULE!

Well I think he could be more perfect with adorable piggie spots all over—WAIT

Exact opposite with my dachshund. We even try to encourage him to run and play, but he sticks to my ankle as if he were well-trained (he isn’t).

That tongue! Those stumpy legs! Could this be any more perfect?!

Chihuahuaschnitzel is a niche player in most markets, and doesn’t have the marketing budget to sponsor events like Wienerschnitzel does.

The worst part is, them existing in the lowest caste means theres almost a 100% chance they’ve already been raped and exploited dozens of times.

It’s like you’ve never met a 20 year old guy before.

Forget the whole “is this appropriation” crap, this is just stupid as dick.

There are #far #too #many #hashtags on that poster.

So typical NVC. Nice to know she was always terrible.

Agree that NVC is a terrible hiring decision by Jezebel.

“LOOK HOW MUCH FUN I’M HAVING!” is the lonely, insecure person’s life slogan.

Big difference here: my preference to keep my conversation at my table. Your preference to make everyone else listen to yours at top volume, whether they like it or not. Can you guess what the difference is? Your prize is a big spoonful of peanut butter.