Do you mean an African frame rate or a European frame rate?
Do you mean an African frame rate or a European frame rate?
Probably before way before that, no? You don’t want to develop bad posture now do you?
Ok, I am admittedly really really really bad at this, but I need a ruling. Her follow-up (the full one, not what’s written above) is shade, no?
Blackberry was always a noun. Get it together Colin Powell.
I see. And it’s pronounced “hor-seminator”, correct?
Personally, I’m a sucker for Henry and Terriermon.
Also, if a Phyllis in her 90s with conservative views that make me nuts had to die, I’m glad it wasn’t my grandma.
Guess they are not thinking with portals
Depends on what he named his penis.
The best proverbs are Haitian.
11:25am potato chips for breakfast after wake n bake.
Seriously. How do you stop at book4?! “Oh wow, that Voldemort guy came back from the dead. Huh. Good for him!”
I don’t trust Hispanics in politics. For one thing they are often biased on matters of immigration and labor laws and for another they can turn from robots into cars at will. And I don’t know about you guys, but I just don’t trust any politician who can also transform into my taxi cab. Or forces me to ride inside him…
Or maybe because it’s actually fun and the people, like yourself, that keep ripping on it haven’t even tried the game yet to make an opinion worth reading about.
You can get hyper analytical, but it seems pretty clear that Bill has mistreated women for a long time and Hillary has done her best to be part of the machine that keeps him clean enough (and in the process rolling over those women) that they can accomplish their political goals in spite of his behavior.
“Botched launch”, uh, the game isn’t launched yet mate... There is nothing botched about it. People played the game before it was intended to be played, plain and simple.
Calling the creatures generic spore creatures is so incredibly ignorant of the technology behind they creature generation. It is far more interesting…
Naysayers are frigging desperate to get an i-told-you-so out of this. Shave your neck and go outside.
“Cadarn is missing out VII"
Last week while gawker was crowing about the Clinton +12% ABC poll, NBC had one with all four candidates and Hillary was up only by 1. You never heard about that one....why?