Aku the Shogun of Shadow

Honestly, dinosaurs ended up putting out a very similar evolutionary equivalent to humans through birds. Big brains, good vision, spatial reasoning abilities, strong language affinity, tool use, bipedalism, monogamy, navigation, etc. Who knows how they would have ended up in the long run without humans showing up.

Judging a space exploration sim by the standards of an open-world RPG will always leave you disappointed. I for one am outraged that Skyrim never let me upgrade my space ship, travel through a black hole, or catalogue procedurally generated wildlife. Where are my space pirate battles, Bethesda!!!

My SO was talking about his hopes for the future of the game, including a true multi-player mode where players start at a centralized city planet a la Coruscant and are then tasked with spreading outwards rather than inwards. Hubs of civilization would certainly add a lot to the game. Hell, I’ll be happy if an update

This is a bit spoilery, but regarding your first point, it’s heavily implied that the sentinels have engaged in full warfare with powerful civilizations in the past and won. Think about the Gek you hear from in monuments vs the ones you meet. There may once have been large cities that were destroyed by fanatical

They'll walk you through it in the next issue of Cosmo.

The first time I used a tampon was also so that I could go to the pool, but I was too embarrassed to ask my mom for help. So I stole one of her tampons and did my best to figure out. Spent a day at the pool with the applicator still in wondering why tampons had to be so damn uncomfortable.

If you call tweaks and additions “chang[ing] nearly everything,” then sure. Looks to me like they just expanded on what was already there to make it better.

The update notes specifically say they are making it easier to track and find the discoveries of other players, so it seems to at least be on the dev’s mind. Worst case scenario is that you and your buddies have to get closer to the center before you can meet up. But no, it isn’t a classic multi-player game, and if

Ding ding ding. There are always folks who have been skeptics for so long that they would rather be proved right with a shitty game than enjoy themselves in their wrongness.

Wasn't it announced way back in the day that the game would be ps4 exclusive before coming to pc? I would have been more surprised if they did actually release them together.

Had this accident occurred in a standard vehicle, it would have made the local papers. This is national news because self driving cars are safe enough to make a fatal accident a newsworthy event.

I do not think the youth will turn out for her in major numbers. I know a lot of youngsters who are going third party or staying home, based on an anecdotal survey. Whether or not her minority base does so depends on which narrative wins out: “Trump will start a race war” vs “Clinton has this in the bag.” One will

Wouldn’t 67 percent of 61 percent be about 40 percent overall? Could feasibly all be Clinton supporters, though there are probably a few self-hating Republicans admitting it as well.

It has been interesting watching the various pollsters try to adapt to changing technologies and this strange campaign cycle. You are right in saying that any poll that neglects third parties is going to be off this time around. It is mostly a question of who loses more voters to whom, it seems.

Yes, a few of those are clearly Clinton outliers, while this poll is clearly a Trump outlier. She’s likely up by about 5, although that’s such a meaningless statement in the context of the entire electorate that it doesn’t really matter. Let’s see what the next few months look like. If trends hold, this should be one

I know you have already declared your intentions to ignore anyone who disagrees with you, but do you honestly believe that everyone who will not be voting for Clinton will be doing so due to sexism? That is like saying that anyone who didn’t/doesn’t vote for Sanders is an anti-semite.

As someone who has been choked to the point of blacking out in the past, it feels even longer once your adrenaline kicks in and you begin unsuccessfully scrabbling for your life. That particular experience was not isolated, but it is one of my sharpest memories and the driving force behind my philosophy to do no harm

This is very much an issue with the left, and one I have tried to correct in myself as much as possible. Anecdotally, the young men I know are the ones struggling most in this economy, whereas most of the young women are out there kicking ass and taking names. That these men were brought into the world right when

I recently learned that two of my male in-laws, who are both self-avowed feminists, really like going through topless espresso stands. I do what I can to take everything in stride and without judgment, but sometimes men are truly disappointing creatures.