
Nice ageism there. I’m over 50 and could wait to go back into the office until, well, forever. Experienced workers aren’t necessarily averse to, or unknowledgeable about, WFH technology. And they often have the...wait for it...experience to function effectively on their own.

I’m a millennial but I’m about to go hardcore boomer.

That’s an odd choice of stock photo for this article. Sitting in some Starbucks on your phone is every supervisor’s stereotypical image of “working from home”. Having worked in my share of coffee shops, I’ve concluded that, as a work environment, it ranks somewhere between an airplane lavatory and a Marilyn Manson

Cultural appropriation aside, this has to be the dumbest fitness fad ever. Which is saying a lot.

@Sam Blum, thoughts? ;-)

I think that in this day and age, if you are publishing (professionally writing, posting on Twitter, etc.) something about someone and don’t want them to know about, you should probably rethink what you’re going to be writing. If you can’t stand behind it, does it need to be said?

Sending as a Word doc shows a profound lack of technical skill or knowledge as to the reasons why sending a .doc is a Bad Idea.

if someone sent me their resume in Word document format, I would never hire them

Don’t take this the wrong way, but as small time memelord myself, seeing the Bernie meme pop up on the GMG meant it was already dead.

Once you see a meme on facebook or instagram, it’s probably already dead unless the account posting it is there to create their own memes, or it’s something that spawned in a private

A spare room?!

Spare room? Really? Let me check under the couch, maybe I misplaced it there.

I understand the perspective of coming at this from a place of legitimately wanting to participate in beta testing, I know there are a lot of people interested in doing that. But, unlike Early Access, there’s no price of admission other than the players time. I think that since this is free, a lot of people request g

Yeah.. it’s true that we didn’t have a pause button (heck we didn’t have a color TV.. not because I’m that old but because we were too poor). But sometimes my mom would let me finish up a show if it was going to be over in a few minutes, or let me wait for a... don’t loose your mind when I mention it... COMMERCIAL

You sound delightful.
My parents let me play games and respected that I couldn’t pause them when I wanted to, and let me have a computer of my own at an early age and that got me interested, started tinkering with it, started to learn how it worked, and I’m a computer sciences engineer now. I got one of the best career

Looks like someone didn’t feel their parents loved them enough.

It sucks to grow up in an army unit I guess?

Ew.  How about I don’t.

Nope. Thank you. 

I prefer all social nets on my desktop. I hate to browse them on my mobile because I want to read and have all features on display. But right now I HATE with all my heart the new design of facebook. I like neat, tidy and not big chuncks and robust (hulkiaran) web design. I think I’m going to use less more facebook at