You had me going until “gaslighting”. Inigo would like a word with you, too.
You had me going until “gaslighting”. Inigo would like a word with you, too.
Unfortunately, to many “Toxic” = “Something I don’t like.”
Toxic people project their toxicity onto non-toxic things. Film at 11.
to give some perspective on how big this thing actually was, here it is crossing a 6-lane autobahn:
You’re a danger to yourself and everyone on the streets!!! But dammit son, I respect the hell out of ya!
Which is why the trope is hilarious to me in fiction. The “rebel” trope would normally be seen as a sociopath, instead of a plucky hot shot hero. Not saying that’s the case here, but the parallels are too rich to not point out.
Compiling it from the source code is a pretty complicated install for most. It’s wild they don’t include at least a windows exe. Understandable they wouldn’t want to compile for every Linux variant.
There is not a “vote for good healthcare” option at the polls. Both parties are working in concert to ensure our terrible system (assuming you’re talking about the US) continues as is.
I love how "I like to do my own research" has become such a convenient shorthand for me to instantly dismiss the person saying it as a complete fúcking moron.
It’s really terrible when people jump to disrespectul conclusions. Anyway, like I was saying, most western men are feminine and weak...
I wish I could get behind the Ori games, they’re beautiful, but holy god some sections devolve from difficult into just plain aggravating. Some of those extremely lengthy escapes where one fuck up sends you back to the start become not-fun, very quickly.
Yeah, definitely fair, it’s the gold standard. And I’d probably consider Dread to be the second-best 2D Metroid (only a little above Fusion), but it’s hard to beat Super Metroid.
Metroid Dread was good. Very good, especially considering there was a nearly 20 year gap between it and the previous 2D Metroid game. But it wasn’t as good as Super Metroid.
Whenever I hear somebody prattling about “cancel culture” I just roll my eyes they believe in that fucking hoax. Nobody picks up a book and thinks “Will the Tumblr kids approve of my purchase?”
He sounds like someone trying to victimized himself a bit... “You see? We are the one trying to have fun.”
The irony of an Xbox exec bragging about releasing games.
They were never upset with her because they genuinely thought she was scamming anyone; they were upset that she’s a woman doing her own thing successfully.
I was hoping she would stick to NSFW stuff, not because I’m interested in it, but because it would send a message that she is now doing this of her own volition and not because she’s being coerced / forced to. The fact that she is talking about eventually separating from it entirely makes me so sad, because that shows…
Pro-Tip 1) Don’t adopt a pet unless you understand what it means to own the pet and are committed to taking care of that pet for its whole life. Yes this means even if they get bigger then you were told they were, or have health issues or if you have to move. If you can not commit to an pet, then don’t get one.