
Maybe they’ll gat back part (or the whole) of what they just gave to him down the line.

I did not know, and my prediction was right: I am not surprised. Thx for the info.

I, for one, would be extremely interested to know how Kick can give hundreds of millions of dollars to star streamers if their revenue split is as famelic as 5/95.

Considering the outright technical witchcraft that is Zelda TotK, I think it’s a safe bet that this title will run well for the near totality of it’s intended gameplay.

I own the original game. And I have to be perfectly honest, it took me more than a decade to understand what the “colonists” and overall setting was implying.

Well, the Tropico series is extremely self-aware of what it is parodying: and it is a *parody*, with all humour, innuendos, anacronisms to recent and actual dictators and tropes associated with fascism and dictatorship.

At that point, it’s more the costume that is getting put on the human than them slipping into it.

Well, it’s popularity took a nosedive when the licensing problems became apparent: a lot less people were willing to buy/play it (especially streamers) when the game became IP-radioactive.

Personaly, I had my fix of loot-driven ARPGs with Grim Dawn. One price for the base game, then a single DLC, and years of bug fixes, tweaking, and added sets and contents from the dev. I had way, way more of my money worth.

Probably in the sense that they expect a specific customer base (here: role-players) to behave like a completely different customer base (here: collectible/competitive game players) and think this will be smooth sailing.

I know that praising a big company is not well-liked in those parts, but sometimes you gotta give due.

It’s like having a board game manufacturer that expects that EVERY player has his own “copy” of the game itself before playing.

Just oozing with plausible deniability for Zelda, at the very least.

For completion sake’s, I forgot to include a quick link to the concept:

He basically turned his giant house into a giant laboratory for insane computer DIY projects we couldn’t fathom on our own. He makes mistakes, stumbles upon bizarre things, test pieces of hardware most people could only dream having, or did not know even existed.

(Disclaimer: “you” is a shorthand for anybody here)

FYI, that particular situation is called the “Peter Principle”: moving up in job ladder to a position where you are no longer qualified (or willing, or able) to do the job.
Short story, it’s a lose-lose situation: you can’t do your job effectively, you AND your organization suffers from it. And usually, those positions

As a programmer, I too am very familiar to solve nearly every problems with fetching the most logs I can find.

Pretty sure that in the usual (?) five year gaps in Zelda main entries, at least a few are cooling down and gathering ideas, concepts and scripts. Followed by a year or two for proof of concepts and tech development. Then 2-3 years of active dev until a new game hit the market.

Four Swords was basically a multiplayer Zelda game. Granted, all four Links were the same, both required different actions for solving puzzles.