
He did not explain it in this article, but he’s right on the money on this one: AI is linked to most automated systems. NFTs are getting a LOT of flak precisely because they rely to a very extensive degree on these mechanisms (the block chain itself is a nightmare to use without automated systems). It is also very

Considering nearly every horror story I‘ve read about in the NFT game universe involves a clueless white CEO/Creator at the helm, I’d say the stereotype checks out.

Well, I’d argue that “bombed” is a way overblown way to describe the N64 as a commercial venture. It did have way more games than most people could want if it catered to their taste. It was not a financial albatross, but yeah, did not bottled the thunder like the SNES did (a though thing to beat) or it’s competitor

Would you like to move your goalposts now?

Dunno about that. The right-wing griftosphere is much smaller (people in it learn less and are less numerous) while at the same time being relentlessly saturated by con artists who all bank on victimization (enter Breibart, AlexJones, a lot of megachurches, political pundits up to and including FPOTUS 45).

Basically it’s the “Paradox of Tolerance” on the internet: You cannot tolerate everything, because eventually it chips away at tolerance itself, and then you have none left.

Well, I guess that could explain Nero and a few other Emperors after Hadrian....

Each time I think of the so-called “moral guardians” crusade to stifle the collective libido of the hormove-addled human teenagers, I remember the meaning of the word “futility”.

Or to a very specific build of the game that is unmistakenably a review copy.

You’ve never went to a Quickstarter launch or such where early adopters all gush about something they wanted for months/years?

Yeah, I think it is. With the proliferation of influencers and other such groups, you can establish very easily a potential list of curators, that you re-use for each new game. (Edit: no doubt such lists already exist and are sold as products to devs as well. Much easier to start with one pre-made than to do the

While I agree that ultimately, as a customer, you should follow and listen to many people who have about the same tastes as you for potential purchases (albeit it’s a bit of confirmation bias. Moving on).

For your last question: it allows us to contextualize this series of events. It perfectly valid to use previous scientific studies about what women live online to attempt to explain what is happening to her. Not everyone has that context know. And I find the case a near perfect example of that, among many others

About the only way to not have answers to these questions is if someone is not looking for answers. That is: bad faith.

1) With data and the scientific method. See below.
2) See above and below. This is a large body of knowledge, so no, you wont see a single link with a “score” to simplify this for you.
3) Wrong question: it’s more “Why do women receive waaaaaaay more backlash than men?” Search below for answers, but if you have not been

Is that an Onion article?

Because I genuingly can’t ell what the purpose and intent of the article is....

I want him to be able to use a trebuchet as a warp zone device.
And that his nemesis is a hasmter with grenades in his mouth.

Gonna disagree on a key point here, keyboards allow for something that’s nearly impossible on a NES controller: simultaneously pressing opposite directions (such as left AND right at the same time, or even all four directions).

Like moogles in Final Fantasy: it’s a reference to the series and makers. Xenoblade Chronicle X uses a lot of the same mechanical parts of gameplay (free-flow, arts, aggro, hit% based on level differences, relationships meters, quests flow, quick travel, etc...), hence the name part Xenoblade, which in itself is a

And some have eaten food all their lives and are still horrible judges of food and terrible cookers.
Your point?