
I disagree: when you dumb down words and arguments, you just get dumber people arguing badly, even with children. I’ve seen better logic from highs chool and onwards. It would be better if you stopped assuming people are dumber than you in every setting, internet included.

I f anything, I think you are the one misunderstanding: the article doesn’t paint the merger in a good light, it just states that it does not amount to the definition of “monopoly” writ large. And no, your very flaky definition of monopoly does not pass the smell test, hence my dig about your level of comprehension.

That would be an incredibly poor argument, for all the reasons stated in the article.

I’d wager quite a few of them wanted desperately to make their channel known and thus didn’t blink (at first) at the unexpected windfall.

So you are just giving yourself excuses not to be virtuous because something worse exists?

So you use the “ad hominem” fallacy to try and argue that you are somehow justified to use logical fallacies?

Constant death is everywhere, right? I mean Alcohol on a per capita basis kills more people in every developed country than guns kill people in the USA on a per capita basis.

But only in a real union will there be a follow-through internally for a long period of time. I’m sure Acti/Blizz wants to whole thing to end quickly so they can return to form down the road.

To be honest, this is the perfect storm for a unionization push.

Decompiling isn’t illegal, but publishing something that is covered by IP laws is.

Both: they went from machine code (decompile) and “imagined” (or re-named) names for functions, variables, etc, and organized the parts like a human would for a large project (that’s the reverse engineered part). And since when they compile that high-level code to go back to EXACTLY the same machine code (proof of work

I also like Stone Ocean because while EVERY arc had the heroes at a disadvantage from the get-go, starting in a prison while being incarcerated and being attacked from every angle is very difficult and go for very crafty plans to circumvent to environment.

Even her more powerful and versatile ancestors could not hope to defeat every single one of their opponents: they all had some major help along the way. Best example would be her father, Jôtarô: borderline invincible Stand in close range, but he’s a single man and thus could not defeat some more crafty foes.

So basically they introduced “noise” in the different parts of the facial muscles to simulate all the little twiches, spasms and voluntary muscle movement that we do as humans?

Actually, thinking of Nintendo as a toy company make a lot more sense of their overall decisions and directions over the years than thinking of them as a software company like Microsoft.

Considering the Switch as a hybrid (and very successful to boot), I wonder if eventually Nintendo will revert to a “single mode” console (either handheld or stationary) eventually.

From what I remember, Nintendo has a MASSIVE war chest for rainy days (relative to it’s size: let’s not forget that Sony and Microsoft are huge conglomerates).

Never said it wasn’t. I just said that between propaganda from the US and those and dictotorial countries like Laos, Burma and North Korea, I’ll take that of the US. And I might add that I hold US propanganda in contempt as well. Lesser evil and all that.

How does that makes any sense in your head? Genuingly curious.

Never said it wasn’t. People have such difficulties reading those days....