The world doesn’t stop running just because bad things happen. Life’s not always sunflowers and poppies and it will suck you in and shit you out if you let it. Get over it and move on.
The world doesn’t stop running just because bad things happen. Life’s not always sunflowers and poppies and it will suck you in and shit you out if you let it. Get over it and move on.
Most good video game stories are still cringey anime-Faire. For alot of people, the original is a game that shows off how gaming can be art. People speak so highly of it because there’s no girls in tight skirts, jiggle physics, testosterone overload, ridiculous story contrivances, etc. Its not anything special in the…
They’re all from a small group of people who worked for the Square, then later Monolith soft.
I am an example of said adult who eyerolled so hard I fell off the couch. The characters are mostly charming however and eventually you’re on for the ride. The characters aren’t super deep, but it’s pretty standard anime fare and the lore is pretty interesting.
I had similar hangups, though I didn’t really understand the combat system and learn to abuse the orb system until near the end of the game. How I got through the game without it, I don’t really know. It’s a pity that the expansion is pretty short, but fixes the vast majority of my problems with the original. It…
Easy and you can experience it the moment you drive your car off the lot yourself just like they do. Vehicles don’t appreciate in value. If they sell the car, its an immediate net loss, regardless of who they sell it to.
I think you misunderstand alot of things about the way a company operates.
It seems so rare that I hear this opinion from people. It’s refreshing to find someone like-minded. I always thought Brotherhood pandered to the audience too much. In a world with as much gray as FMA, it never made sense to me for everyone to get what they wanted. I also felt like Brotherhood forced Winry’s presence,…
I personally agree that Black Lagoon is mediocre at best. IMHO, the episodes with the two child ‘vampires’ were very good and made you question things, but the rest of the show just wasn’t all that good.
I got burned by a save issue on Crysis. Had a bunch of issues with the game when it came out and after all the issues, things seemed to be going well. Got to the very end and the weapon you’re supposed to use, can’t remember it’s name, failed to lock onto the final boss. I watched videos, I read documentation, faqs,…
I can read and it did start about 20 years ago. You can look at the official blizzard history documentation if you’d like. It says ‘late 2000'. Big deal if I’m a few months shy.
2005 was when blizzard north was pulled from dev, not when dev started. Most companies start planning sequels on a successful franchise pretty early. While we don’t know exactly when, you’re still looking at between 15 and 20 years. And you missed my fucking point anyway. You’re looking at diablo 3 dev art from a 2020…
This game was being worked on 20 years ago... And this was scrapped 15 years ago. Either you failed to read or you have some seriously lofty expectations of the way games were back then.
Funny since I didn’t ‘learn’ the system until the final boss of XC2. It truly forced me to figure out the elemental balls and the overdrive system. It made my enjoyment of the expansion, despite knowing where its story led, beyond words and while its been years since I played it, I would like to revisit it after some…
Yes. February 3rd was his last day. He posted on Twitter that he was no longer a full-time employee. He left things open for freelance work with Kotaku rather than burn bridges, but I don’t expect him to come back. He seems a lot happier in his independent work.
Always dug his deadpan delivery. Too many of the writers here became obsessed with politics and political correctness. Tim was refreshing as someone who didn’t take things too seriously.
Sad to hear I won’t get to see the completion of the metal gear retrospective. This is the dissolution and exodus of the old guard. Here’s the list:
This is primarily directed at you specifically, Ian, though I suspect most first time players feel the same way you do. You’re supposed to feel exactly what you’re feeling at this point in the story actually. You already know more about Sephiroth and Jenova than those who played the original knew at this point. In the…
Don’t agree. Money I can put into a savings account/reliable stock/401k today becomes more money faster than the money I put in tomorrow. Compound interest is your friend in this case and certainly not your enemy provided you pay all your payments on time. 0% interest means no financing cost compounding interest over…
You blame his whiteness, but I don’t. I think he subscribes to the “God will save me’ mentality despite the fact that plenty of believers of every religion are dead. Well it was God’s will, they respond. So God wanted you to die? Not a deity I’d worship. While I’m personally an agnostic, if God did exist and is the…