Disagree. Yuna and Tidus take it for me and I’m even one of the few fans of VIII.
Disagree. Yuna and Tidus take it for me and I’m even one of the few fans of VIII.
If a movie has something that offends you, then an apology is required. If a movie has something that offends OTHER people, then those people just need to not go see the movie.
You vasty underestimate the sophistication of bots.
This page is literally filled with people complaining simultaneously about the game being delayed and the devs working 100 hour weeks. It’s the exact same page as the ones about JK Rowling being transphobic, which were filled with people complaining that they wouldn’t buy the game unless they were told that the sole…
Add all of this to the pile of reasons that one should NEVER HARASS, THREATEN, OR OTHERWISE GIVE ANY SHIT, EVER, to game devs for any goddamn reason. I don’t care that you took vacation time, I don’t care that you bought a new console or new pc hardware, I don’t care how pissed you are for whatever reason.
These people…
Everyone knows that Canada is just the USA’s hat.
So much this. I almost find it hilarious how many people try to be edgy and cool by hating on FF7 and AC for being edgy and cool without understanding it at all because it makes them feel all grown up (as well as how cliché it it is to be like, “you just didn’t understand it!” but seriously, they don’t.) Most people…
Y’know...if we collectively agree to stop giving these miserable fuckwits the attention they so goddamned desperately, pitifully claw at, they’ll eventually just go away and be forgotten like they should be.
The MCU is just a visual interpretation of the comic book characters. The game’s depiction of Tony Stark is as much of a “knock off” of the original character as Robert Downey Jr’s face would be. Even more importantly, getting upset that the game doesn’t use the movie likenesses is extremely foolish, because there’s…
The problem is that the trans community portrays itself or is portrayed as one-minded for the sake of solidarity, but it is actually far more divided in thoughts and opinions than most demographics. No single portrayal of a trans person in media will ever be enough or done right because none of us can agree with each…
Definition of sinecure. 1 : an office or position that requires little or no work and that usually provides an income.
Personally, I’d recommend the original FMA over Brotherhood, though I totally get why people tend to lean more toward the latter. I thought Brotherhood was wonderful, but it wrapped things up a little too “Happily Ever After” for my tastes. The original is more bittersweet, which I thought fit the series better,…
Every gun is loaded.
Clearly this moron never learned the single most important rule of firearms - treat every gun as if it is loaded until you personally double / triple check.
You know what......Sonic 2 gave me Tails.
I supported him, but I’m not totally convinced he can do the job. But I think he’s a genuinely good guy who actually means well. That’s the kind of outsider I want to support.
Quick note for anyone who wants to pull the “e-thots are ruining twitch” nonsense: Bodypainting, as mentioned in the article, is its own category on Twitch. This means that if you want to watch this content, you have to specifically look for it. Streamers like Forkgirl are not using their bodies to pull viewership…
Really? I don’t understand this.
Fucking herb