
Was that supposed to be a smackdown? Because it really felt like she was flailing. Which she has ever since Roman fired her on the boat. She’s supposed to be the one thats coolheaded and seeing the board, but Roman just shrugs her off, probably because, as Shiv noted last year, Roman was her junior at the company when

If Gerri, who is senior to Tom is any indication, he probably wouldn’t get enough to satisfy him.

This is Kendall making a joke, pretty much sounds like a joke a failson would make.

The G/O writers are a part of WGA, so I hope you aren’t implying she’s siding with management.

It feels like what she is alluding to, but isn’t saying, is that at a very young age she was branded as an ambassador for the youth movement of strong, smart women who were probably better than the dudes they were around.

Chloe zhao is interesting, because there were a lot of monied people in her corner. Her dad’s name was mixed in with dealings with very wealthy people some of which was in the Panama Papers.

Kendall actually understands business though, he was the head of some waystar division in asia for a few years, he had the trust of his father. He almost wrested the company away from his father the great Logan Roy multiple times. His problem is that he had a tendency to go off the rails at the worst times and lose

Shiv can’t run the company,she has no head for business as the show has pointed out a bunch. What she can do is run powerful men.  She can do the thing where she lets the men think they've won while she is in the drivers seat.

I think one of the through lines of the show has been that shiv's true gift is being able to navigate powerful mercurial people.  She isn't built to be in charge, but more like a top consigliari.

Kind of a weak take by you.

There’s a real difference, but it’s also important to note we don’t know the psychology of peadophilia. Homosexuality 50 years ago was treated like mental illness, it was eating feces”. Even today, there are gay people who act like trans people are “eating feces.”

I agree but he’s the only serious one. so Roman got bailed on twice by his siblings, once per episode, he’s really only got Logan to latch onto.

but that wasn’t the revenge tour that we started with.  It was the kids developing new media to beat Logan, that was what was promised, but now its devolved into just being a gnat for attention and so Roman didn’t flake, he made the only reasonable play after looking around the room and realizing that his siblings

Why do you always have to bring race into everything?

He’s literally trying to win a popularity contest (he has no actual presidential goals) . He is not self aware, he is constantly vying for respect and love. He’s like a billionaire incel, vacilating wildly between pitying self-deprecation and wild narcistic dreams.

I think you missed that everyone flaked out on the revenge tour, and Roman has consistently said “ are we building a thing or not?” Yes Roman decided not to follow his siblings, but it was a lot different than, the kids are going to beat their dead unless someone holds out.  Its more that his gut can tell they are

I don’t think you understand what stakes are.

You have to assume with any major studio movie there is some paid for (via money, favors, access, etc.) positive criticism. So a 53% is probably closer to a 43%. Especially when you dig into those positive reviews a bit.

As long as they are putting in films that weren’t even nominated, The Matrix should have won instead of American Beauty. It literally changed the world perception of the internet and their reality. University classes around the world sprung up to debate the philosophy of the matrix.

If you look at it from now as “what were they thinking” Do the right thing obviously jumps out to tell a story about where the oscars were, as well as what America is. And that Driving Miss Daisy was even nominated over Do the right thing was telling. Of the nominated films, I’d probably be okay giving it to any of