I think that's the authors issue with it as well, if aoc didn't exist but the same storyline played out it would make an interesting turn for the character, but if you bring a lot of aoc to the character the heel turn feels like a betrayal of AOC.
I think that's the authors issue with it as well, if aoc didn't exist but the same storyline played out it would make an interesting turn for the character, but if you bring a lot of aoc to the character the heel turn feels like a betrayal of AOC.
With dances with wolves, blind side, I was wondering if they were teasing something about a love of that white saviour narrative thing.
Malcolm Barrett, Claudia Doumit and now Goran visnic. Timeless Reunion!
Is it weird that I took a lot of Joy in the lack of grounding. I didn’t see the first Killer babysitter, and mistook the trailer references to the first one to mean that I was just watching one movie with fake flashbacks to another movie (like in the one Community episode). So basically, though whole movie felt like…
Yeah, after harriet tubman, and erivo’s comments, and not this, I’m going to cool it on british actors playing black americans.
This is the only way to get an acknowledgement and apology. Did you fail to read the article?
Wasn’t the other Gemstones guy in a fake movie that was really designed to promote Australia to tourists? I’m a fan.
Cringe is getting tossed around on twitter about a lot of different things, what does it mean?
The movie very much felt like they brooklyned chicago.
Kweli is deeply troubled, and is actively harmful. And you’ve done great job with the research and expanding the topic to the larger issue of what often happens when a private black woman calls out a public black man online. It’s happened a bunch with Kweli and shaun king, and I can think of a few isolated instances.
Yeah in the comics when he was a kid, all he had was time travel powers that he hadn’t figured out yet, and then he just disappeared into the future one day before they became a hero team. Unlike in the netflix version where he was a part of the initial hero team.
I don’t agree with “negging” as a tactic, but the concept already exists in the “bad boy.” If it wasn’t the negger, who was presumably interested, it would be the that other guy who wasn’t interested, which leads to the same, or worse, place.
Are you expressing fragility on behalf of Stewart? Is this fragility-by-proxy? Stewart blew up at Cenac and it fundamentally altered his career. That should be the final line in an article about the daily show’s lack of diversity. There are real consequences to his actions, and its more than can be repaired by “I’m…
I saw this movie in college in the 2000's, and this was the movie that convinced me I might like old movies. Casablanca, gone with the wind, the old christmas movies, all left me meh. but this one, it was a revelation. I sought out everything shirley mcclaine or jack lemmon or billy wilder made and then I’d learn…
This doesn’t surprise me. He’s said multiple times that he wanted to take it to the supreme court so that a poorer black person wouldn’t have to. Once they made their decision, that was the end of his roll.
This feels like it. Reading the end about her abuse, its clear that is what is driving this stance. Its not a hatred of men but a fear of them. A fear of being alone with them in any space. This is pretty consistent with domestic abuse where victims feel that no space is safe. I was in a long term relationship with…
Why don’t people delete their tweets?
I think they knew, which is why they change the title from “The Bear and the Bow” to “Brave.” The bear plot was so central in fact that the setting/ time period was dictated by the plot. They needed to set it northerly in Europe and once it was Scotland, the time period was dictated by the last time there were wild…
the sous chef wanted to collectivize access to Gusteuas food regardless of innate skill like sndrome wanted to collectivize access to powers regardless of innate powers. In both cases the villains are pushing sad shortcuts in order to have mass appeal.
I feel like the villains are those who wish to spread the wealth of power (super powers and chef’s cooking skills), and they are are always revealed to be small thinkers with base motives , which is more or less one of the standard objectivist antagonists. The other antagonist is the collevtive, government, etc.…