Those toys all kind of sucked, wasn’t that the point? Like the movies are about how often these toys get broken and consistently end up on the verge of being thrown away and forgotten. who would want to buy that?
Those toys all kind of sucked, wasn’t that the point? Like the movies are about how often these toys get broken and consistently end up on the verge of being thrown away and forgotten. who would want to buy that?
This is the hulu/ tv/ website ad trailer
That is strange, and if I had seen the movie, as I was going to do, I would have felt betrayed. I like DJ well enough in an modern rom-com kind of way, but I could only imagine that it would have felt like a drag if she was occupying screen time that would be much funnier centered around Ross or Ice cube.
Wait, The commercials made this seem like a Tracy Ellis Ross movie, about her comeback with Ice Cube as boyfriend/manager, that dakota johnson minimally supports.
They could have done so much with the ideas here. Especially as they had a leg up with being the same team from persons of interest. In a lot of ways, the foundation of this season is person of interest season 5. With serac and Rehoboam standing in for Greer and Samaritan, and Dolores and Caleb being the…
Oh Man are they combining FFVII with the Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross ideas? If so, I am all the way in. I thought that this was just going to be a retread and was going to ignore it but chrono trigger/ chrono cross was probably my favorite rpg story, even if it got a bit heady for some. And I think the Schala/ chrono…
Its not Airplane, maybe like a lesser Airplane 2 or a naked gun 2 1/2. The thing that really landed “airplane” was that large parts of it were lifted directly from Zero Hour. So you had a beginning and middle and an end and characters that worked that you only needed to push a little against the plot to make it…
If the ar stuff is the stuff cerac was working on last week with his brother,. Maybe this is the source of it. The stuff editing the undesirable humans like Jesse
those are not the only choices and those aren’t even a proper description of how those choices work.
that is callous. You really live up to your screen name
You don’t get perfect victims though. So his shadiness isn’t relevant.
The documentary pointed out that he filed a restraining order for abusive threats of murder.
I know this is jezebel, but it is a weird take to ignore all of the evidence in Carole Baskin’s husband’s disappearance.
Did anyone else notice the mobster from Person of Interest in Caleb’s flashbacks?
How light is lightskint, because that dude is not what i picture when people use that word. Hes a few shades lighter than me and now I'm worried.
Aren’t these shows about teenagers? If so, its unlikely that they have earned their wealth.
Agreed Pryce is a great actor, but his whole villain thing is underselling, which works in GOT, but as a megalomaniac he just can't get there.
I just wish dalton had been given more films.
That’s the part I hate the most. I could do so much with that stove.